Friday, March 11, 2022


Russian wrestler talks Ukraine conflict:

Despite playing a proud Russian heel gimmick, Leyla Hirsch has spoken out against the war in Ukraine...

“I want to make something very clear. I stand with Ukraine one hundred percent and my heart breaks for its citizens who are suffering at the hands of Vladimir Putin. I was born in Russia. I came to the US at eight years of age and became an American citizen. I cannot change my heritage any more than any other citizen can change theirs. The mere fact that I was born in Russia does not mean that I support this brutal dictator. Everyone who would even suggest such a thing is simply wrong, plain and simple.”


Hall OF Famer Hulk Hogan has confirmed he can never wrestle again due to his many back surgeries.

Regal's health:

William Regal has played down reports that he is seriously unwell. Fans had drawn a hidden message into something he said about not having long left on AEW TV recently, and became concerned. He says the worries are unwarranted, as he feels better than he has since his heart issues of 2018/9.


Lita says she will continue to train to remain ring ready should WWE come calling again.

Samoa Joe talk negotiating own pay for WWE game:

“Built into most of our contracts is a licensing agreement. Depending on whether or not – like I said I’m Samoa Joe, that’s my trademark, that’s my own. For me, it was a bit different than most guys because I just – I had a licensing agreement with WWE and we negotiated our price based on that. You know, essentially, it’s the same type of thing with guys who maybe don’t have their own name or something. It’s just when you leave there, that character is still their property.”

The game is available now.

New structure for AEW:

Warner and Discovery now share the rights to AEW after they confirmed they are merging.

Sheamus call out WWE:

Sheamus says WWE will making a huge error, if they leave him off the Mania card...

“If I’m not on WrestleMania then that’s going to be a major mishap on WWE’s side, you know what I mean? Because I’ve been bringing it, having banger after banger matches during the pandemic and after. So, I’m on a new lease right now. But obviously want to go there, take on whoever it is – whether it’s New Day, whether it’s Usos, it doesn’t really matter to us – we just want to go in there and show people what we can do.”

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