Monday, March 14, 2022


New World title:

WWE may have leaked the new Unified title design during setting up the Mania set today. This was seen being moved into the stadium.

Wrestling cartoon:

Mila Kunis is working on a wrestling cartoon series with the Good Bros and Enzo Amore.

Hall Of Fame:

Queen Sharmell will join her husband Booker T in the WWE Hall Of Fame this year. Her conformation was made today.

Solo Steiner induction?:

WWE want to induct the Steiner Brothers into this years Hall Of Fame, however, should Scott Steiner refuse to be inducted, as he has suggested in the past, they have confirmed to one source (Meltzer) that they will still go ahead with the induction of Rick, regardless.

Bad Guy losing last fight:

Scott Hall is to be taken off life support today. However, despite the ref's hand coming down for the final third strike, his close friend X-Pac has asked fans to cease the RIP posts in his memory, as is heart is still beating and he is still breathing at the time of this writing. He said seeing these posts is causing further upset to his loved ones.

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