Tuesday, March 29, 2022


Match made:

Lashley vs Omos is booked for Mania this weekend.

New Day vs Sheamus' new faction is also official.

Team pulled from TV:

Gable and Otis were pulled from Raw during the show this week, with no reason or explanation made.


Seth Rollins will have to wait until WrestleMania to find out his opponent, who will be hand-picked by Vince McMahon.

NXT wedding:

NXT's Harland married his long term girlfriend over the weekend. Huge congratulations to both.

I'm ready:

Bayley's ring return is imminent.

Lana blasts toxic WWE:

''On my birthday I was able to film & celebrate being alive & healthy another year with actors that I have looked up to for years! I am so beyond grateful, I can’t believe how far life has come in a year & how brain washed I was from the toxic environment that I had worked in for 8 years. I allowed it to define my identity & self worth. Change can be hard friends but let me tell you, if you keep pushing forward no matter what, if you refuse to have one human’s opinion define your destiny, if you refuse to be put in a box by a corporation or society & you keep the blinders on and walk by faith then your life will become more then your wildest dreams.''

Gargano talks leaving WWE:

“I felt really good, I felt just complete and like I said I felt that way for a long time. Being able to end that story on my own terms and have that match and promo segment to where I was able to say goodbye which a lot of people don’t get to do nowadays and I was very lucky to be given that chance. It’s so funny because so many people thought that I re-signed obviously because no one gets that treatment to where they’re able to do their match and then come out the next night on live television which is wild. It’s live television, I could’ve literally said anything I wanted and they kind of let me say anything I want. I sat down with one of the writers but all the words that came out were my own, I wrote my own thing, I wanted to thank people and I wanted to do things like that. Like I said I think I just have such a good relationship and good rapport with everyone in NXT and everyone in WWE in general that the saddest thing, and you can see the footage, I was crying. I was crying for a particular reason when I walked out it’s because I gave two presents, one to Matt Bloom and I gave a present to Shawn Michaels. I told Shawn the caveat was he needed to open his present in front of me right before I went through the curtain. Shawn's an emotional guy, we have a great relationship. I gave him this present and he opens it and he started crying and in turn that made me start crying. So when you watch the show I’m crying already because we had that moment right before I went through the curtain.”

Lita on why she rebuffed AEW:

''Their roster had a long way to grow and they’re still kind of getting their feet under them about how they want to present as a company, and then around that same time, WWE is talking to them. And just knowing how deep their roster already is, it just seemed like more possibilities and a better fit. Not to mention, like, it is home for me, right? I’ve been there since I was a kid. So, it was like, I wasn’t thinking about either company when I was, you know, when I was first approached and then Cody had reached out and I was like, ‘oh well, let me watch the program more from an aspect of maybe being there and seeing how I could fit in besides like catching it when I catch it’.

Heated row:

Tony Khan and MJF had a heated discussion over the weekend, after MJF made no secret of his interest in one day joining WWE on multiple media outlets, with office knowledge or approval.

Paul Stay-man:

Paul Heyman says he signed a long term contract with WWE late last year.

Ricochet warns fans:

Ricochet says he will no longer interact with fans who invade his privacy. He said he is tired of people waiting for him at airports and hotels. He went on to say he will not hesitate to interact with people he meets naturally, at the mall or gym or on the street, but feels hoards of people following his movements and waiting on him is too much.

Bring back the polka dots:

WWE Hall Of Famer Gerry Brisco has called on Cody Rhodes to bring back his dad's famous polka dot ring attire.

WWE set age limit:

WWE are setting their sights to the young, officials have confirmed they are looking at stars under the age of 30, as they progress into the future.

KO worried about recent spot:

Kevin Owens was concerned about his dress up as Stone Cold but on TV this week, but says it seems it worked out pretty well...

“A couple of people have done it and done it pretty well, but I had, you know, it felt like I was stepping out of my comfort zone a little, but I figured that was the most impactful thing I could do going into this match or this confrontation, or whatever you want to call it and it ended up being a lot of fun. I think I pissed a lot of people off, which is delightful.”

AEW chase WWE releases:

Toni Storm, Ember Moon and Tegan Nox are in talks or on the radar of AEW. Toni is expected to debut as soon as her 90 days is up.

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