Monday, March 28, 2022


TNA manager offered TNA job:

Trish Stratus, who debuted in WWE as the manager of Test & Albert (T&A) says she was approached by TNA after retiring from WWE, offering her a return to the ring...

“Like there was a point where, you know, TNA had reached out to me and they wanted — it happened to be around the time when there was a new women’s championship was being introduced. It was around that time and it was a storyline pitch like that because it was like, ‘Hey, women are a viable part of the show and we would like you to be a part of it.’

Blood feud:

WWE are planning to make The Rock vs Roman Reigns the headline bout of next years WrestleMania 39.

Hall Of Fame:

Rick and Scott Steiner will be inducted into the WWE HOF this year.

WWE deal:

WWE have signed a partnership with Fanatics to improve their fan experience and digital product.

Why I stayed:

Sami Zayn has conceded that his friendship with Kevin Owens influenced his choice to stay with WWE, but added...

“I was already in a very good place with WWE. They made it very clear that, and not just when it was time to negotiate but in the last year and a half, I’ve definitely got the impression and they’ve said as much that I’m a valued part of the roster. And I feel valued. I get a lot of television time. I’ve been very happy. I’m stimulated creatively even, which I know is a difficult thing to get in WWE at times. With so many moving parts and so many talented people, sometimes inevitably you kind of get left behind. I haven’t felt that way in a very long time with WWE. That was really the main factor in driving my decision to stay. I felt valued, I felt appreciated, and it was reflected as such in the amount of television time I got. For me, it was a bit of a no-brainer to stay right now. I’m happy here and I’m happy to keep doing my thing.”

HHH back at work:

Triple H is back at work for WWE. He says his new focus is on making the future of WWE the best it can be, although admits he still has health challenges...

“My foot’s not off the gas. I suppose in some manner I’ve got to step back a little bit. I’m still in recovery and my endurance is not exactly quite what it used to be before, but right now, I’m back. I’m at the office. I am fully focused on recruiting and development of our talent in the future and, whether that’s building more performance centers, whether that’s finding the next young stud that’s out there, male or female, like Gable Steveson, who recently became a two-time NCAA Champion.''

Tony Khan talks mixed feelings about ROH PPV:

He admitted concerns over going up against Mania weekend, but wanted to honour the card and the fans...

“It’s just not been something I thought would make sense for AEW to do. But it was already scheduled for Ring of Honor and there were tickets sold. They already made agreements with the Pay-Per-View providers and these were some of the same Pay-Per-View providers we work with, like Fite for our international distribution and the cable and satellite carriers. So I didn’t want to screw over those people, especially not the fans. So I decided we would go ahead and do the show and I would make it a great event. A great Pay-Per-View. I really believe it’s going to be a great event.”

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