Thursday, March 21, 2019


Jimmy Uso:

Police in Detroit have decided to release footage of the arrest of Jimmy Uso from back in February to local media in the area...


Undertaker will appear for WWE in 2019, but maybe not at Mania. He is expected to make the trip to KSA for their spring show in the controversial country, in May.

NXT leak SPOILER!!!:

A venue on the NXT live tour has appeared to have leaked the next NXT champion. The vacant title will be awarded at NXT New York, but a venue on the tour has announced Adam Cole vs Velveteen Dream in a title vs title match will mani vent their event on April 28, seemingly spoiling that he will beat Johnny Gargano in the 2 out of 3 fall title match over Mania weekend.

Impact signing:

AEW have signed Allie, ex of Impact.

Disco Inferno defends comments on women:

Disco Inferno has defended his recent controversial comments...

"People - they highlight the inflammatory things I say. The thing with me and the women performers, I call it like I see it. The stuff that's good, I'm not saying, 'Oh you think that's good? That's really not good because of this.' No, I'm entertained by it too. The thing is, what you don't see these days is when they're not good, nobody says a word. I want to hold true to my belief system. I'm not going to compromise my belief system because people don't like the things I say."


WWE have designed a special heated ring for this years Mania.

Senior officials have reportedly told creative to rethink Kurt Angle's match, because of the torrent of negative social media commentary since the announcement.

Alum to coach:

Santino Marella will coach at the PC next week.

HOF'er in talks:

Jim Ross is talking to AEW.

Top star getting new gimmick:

Matt Hardy is set to play many different roles on WWE TV. He will be referred to as Multifarious Matt Hardy, and will have a personality split gimmick, where he will have a number of different persona's, and may change his role week on week, or even match to match.

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