Wednesday, March 6, 2019


New champion:

Samoa Joe won the US title last night,ending R-Truth's brief reign.


Rey Mysterio vs Andrade will be the pre show match.

JR concerned star is being pushed too fast:

Jim Ross says Lacey Evans is not ready for the push she is about to get...

"I remember the old story where Vince said, 'we want to bring Brock Lesnar to television.' And I said, 'he's not ready.' 'He'll be alright.' I said, 'no, he won't alright because he can't protect anybody yet. He's too damn big and strong to not be fundamentally sound and protecting his opponents.' It doesn't take much of a miscue from him before you're in trouble. And Vince realized it and he agreed, so he waited four weeks. Lesnar was on the fast track, but my thoughts are Lacey Evans has everything it takes to be a star. Great media star, she's intelligent and articulate. Get her back in the ring and drill, drill, drill. Everybody you bring in there to wrestle her should be better than her and I hope it's being done." 

Champ gone for a long time:

Tommaso Ciampa is set to undergo neck surgery that will keep him benched for a ''Long, long time'' according to the Meltzer. He says Ciampa will be out for 6-14 months and will have to vacate the NXT gold. WWE have since confirmed the surgery and his injury, and a quick google search suggests a 3-6 month lay off for the surgery, although he will need to be monitored after the op, for complications which could delay his return.


Fandango says he wants less comedy skits for his gimmick when he comes back from his injury.

WrestleMania 36:

Local media in Tampa say WWE will officially confirm they have won next years Mania at a press conference tomorrow.

Show renewed:

Women of Wrestling has won a 24 episode second season on AXS.

Wrestler remembers celeb dad:

Jungle Boy has withdrawn from all bookings this month as he mourns his father, Luke Perry...

"He was a lot of things to a lot of people. To me, he was always Dad. He loved supported me in everything, and inspired me to be the best that I could possibly be. I've learned so much from you, and my heart is broken thinking about everything you won't be here for. I'll miss you every day that I walk this earth. I'll do whatever I can to carry on your legacy and make you proud. I love you Dad."


WWE remember King Kong Bundy...

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