Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Major title change:

Charlotte Flair beat Asuka to win the Blue Women's gold last night. This has thrown all sorts of connotations into the WrestleMania main event. Is it now a title for title?, a unification match?, will Asuka be added to the bout for her rematch, or be left off the card altogether? None of these questions yet have an answer, but it seems to have been a last minute swerve, as the script for the show had a four way match to determine Asuka's challenger for Mania as one of the headline bouts of the broadcast. That was pulled in favour of the title change.


Daniel Bryan vs Kofi Kingston is official for the WWE title, for WrestleMania.


Cain Valasquez has signed for Mexican promotion AAA.

HOF leak:

A New York radio show has leaked the apparent final member of the 2019 WWE HOF class. They listed all the already named inductees, with the addition of Brutus The Barber Beefcake. If true, there would be no celebrity inductee, no legacy class and no Tazz this year, talks had been ongoing over an induction, but seem to have come to nothing.

Celeb under investigation:

Finn Balor may not get his wish to have Conor McGregor in his corner at Mania because the Irishman has been accused of a serious sexual assault in Ireland over the Christmas period. A young woman made an allegation of rape at a sexual offense centre, and specialists there deemed her story credible. This coming out has caused controversy, as the law in Ireland protect those accused of rape from having their names publicised before a conviction is secured. The American paper, New York Times, ignored that embargo after picking up on a UK story from earlier this year in the Independent (Who did not name him). TMZ have since gone further by listing more details of the incident. They say the 20 something year old victim and her friends went back to a Dublin hotel, where McGregor had rented out the penthouse suite, during which time she claims the MMA great forced himself upon her against her wishes. Police have secured evidence from the room and CCTV footage of the night in question. Conor's team say this had no impact on his recent decision to quit UFC, and deny he was forced out by the company over it.

Dana White says he believes Conor quit because he refused to give him a share of the company, telling him to open his wallet and buy them.


Sunny is back in jail for parole violation.

Alexa Bliss:

Alexa Bliss has dyed her hair black with brown streaks.

New baby:

JoJo has finally revealed hwy she has been MIA from WWE. She is pregnant. She has been romantically linked with Bray Wyatt, despite him being married when their relationship started, which may have played a part in her keeping it secret for this long, as it is thought he is the father of Knash, a son.

Sell, sell, sell:

Vince McMahon has sold $270 million worth of WWE stock to fund his XFL re-launch today.

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