Saturday, March 9, 2019


Think before you ink:

TJ Perkins has been challenged on social media over some new tattoo's he has gotten. It is claimed that WWE fired him because they messed up imaging on action figures and video games. TJP says he was given permission for the ink 6 months ago and showed them to the office at a meeting he had before leaving, to their approval.

Impact debut:

Trevor Lee wrestled his forst WWE match last night on the NXT live tour.

AEW try again:

AEW have re-filed a number of TM applications after having their bids thrown out the first time around. They have attempted top address the issues that caused the rejections and hope for better luck this time.

WWE in movie:

David Otunga has scored a role in 'Madea Family Funeral'.

Alum joins Impact:

Lance Storm has started working with Impact. He will be a producer.

New look:

No Way Jose has braided and dyed his hair.

Top team set to leave:

Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows have turned down the offer of a multi million $ contract extensions and will likely leave the company when their deals expire in September. It seems AEW is their preferred new home after they were told the promotion plan to focus heavily on tag team wrestling. WWE are more concerned about the Uso's. whose deals are much closer to ending, and the twins showing very little motivation to sign new ones.


Tonight is WWE Fastlane. The last PPV before Mania.

Banned terms leak:

A reported at the Mania 36 press event has revealed terms the media were told not to use...

  • When referring to our talent, we ask that you refer to them as WWE Superstars both for the men and women and NOT as "professional wrestlers."
  • As of March 2016, our female Superstars are NO longer referred to as WWE Divas, so please call them WWE Superstars.
  • Please refer to our company as WWE and NOT World Wrestling Entertainment.
  • Please do not refer to our company as "the WWE," but rather just "WWE."
  • Please do NOT use the term "professional wrestling," instead using WWE or Sports Entertainment to describe our brand (E.G. "We have many WWE fans in the Tampa area" or "I have always been a fan of sports entertainment.")
  • The WWE Championship or WWE Title are appropriate names for the title. It is not called a "belt" or a "strap."

Indie to WWE:

Shane Strickland made a goodbye promo this weekend. He is said to be WWE bound.

WWE at indie:

Alexander Wolfe turned up at a show in his home nation Germany this weekend.

WWE vs Meltzer:

Nia Jax is leading a backlash against wrestling writer Dave Meltzer after he questioned Roman Reigns cancer treatment, and his missing time from the ring because of it. He talked about an NHL star that had the same illness in 2007 but did not miss a single game of his season, and said he doubts Roman's story about taking oral chemotherapy. She wrote on social media...

"Dave Meltzer is a piece of s--t. The fact that u make statements about people's health, when u have zero knowledge about it is ridiculous. If u do have access 2 superstars PERSONAL medical info, that is a HUGE violation of HIPAA & I'm sure that's not the case. So shut ur mouth."

He has since rowed back on his question mark over treatment.

Attitude era death:

Wally Yamaguchi(-San), manager of KaiEnTai, has died aged 61. He has been very ill since suffering a stroke in 2017, a stroke he was not expected to survive.


Harper is back. He returned on the live circuit this weekend.

Cody vs Y2J:

Cody Rhodes says he is having regular disagreements with Chris Jericho over the direction of AEW, and called him a ''Dick'' but added he is still glad to have his experience and passion on his team.

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