Sunday, March 3, 2019


Mike Knox talks failed WWE run:

"The wrestling game is kind of like a roller coaster. Sometimes that slow build is like the start of every great coaster, when they slowly pull you up just to pull the bottom out and send you rushing down with the big drop. I was asked by a few guys to write for my own character, but at that time I had no clear vision of what they expected from me with all that. Character-wise, I just never had a path. They were always switching me around with one thing or another. I believe the writers had the same problem. I am sure that didn't help."

Taker talks injuries:

"Over the last 28 years, I'd say, conservatively, I've had 15, 16, 17 surgeries. I've had both my eye sockets crushed, I've been set on fire, uh, that was not fun, I've torn a pec, torn biceps. I've had several joint surgeries just to get floating bone chips and different things removed. I've been concussed I don't know how many times, yeah it's taken a pretty good toll on the body."


Mustafa Ali is back. He returned on the live circuit this weekend.

New book:

Scott Norton has announced he has written a biog.

Ciampa pulled:

NXT Champ, Tommaso Ciampa, has withdrawn from his indie gig at the promotion he started with, due to injury.

Celeb's on Raw:

WWE have booked two SNL stars to host Raw tomorrow night.

Rey swaps sports:

Rey Mysterio will drive the pace car at an upcoming Nascar meet.

Gail Kim defends HOF leak:

Talking about Torrie Wilson...

"Why is it controversial? She has contributed a lot to the business and the fans adored her. There are people who are way more controversial picks. Like that poop Donald Trump. I don't care whether there is a celebrity inductee or not. That whole part should be taken out."

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