Tuesday, March 26, 2019



Roman Reigns vs Drew McIntyre has been added to the ever growing Mania card.

TV stars Colin Jost and Michael Che have added themselves to the Andre Battle Royal.

HHH has made his match vs Batista a retirement bout.

Sasha Banks & Bayley will put their Women's Tag gold up vs Nia & Tamina, Beth & Nattie and the Iiconics.

Iconic rocker, Joan Jett, is going to perform Ronda Rousey's theme at the show.

Finn Balor has invited the recently retired MMA star Conor McGregor, to Mania, to be his corner man for his IC title shot.

Mania match leaked:

WWE have leaked Daniel Bryan vs Kofi Kingston for the WWE title on a social media post promoting Mania on their Network. WWE later had Kofi tweet that he thinks it is a cruel joke by the office, to kayfabe the botch, but the match is expected to be confirmed tonight on SD.


WWE have released the induction VT for Hart Foundation...

Ali unhappy with name change?:

Ali has tweeted about WWE dropping his first name yesterday...

"Mustafa means the "chosen one" with an emphasis on being chosen from amongst the people. Name or not, nothing has changed. I fight for the people. I am one of them."


Lucha Underground have released all of the talents that filed 3 class action lawsuits against the promotion, with immediate effect, to try to end the trials before they start.

In a worrying note, the producer of the show says he now believes the innovative show is ''Dead'' although they do have an agreement for a fifth season.

Angle in charge:

WWE are allowing Kurt Angle to pick his opponents on his farewell tour, although they picked his final opponent for Mania, Baron Corbin, although creative are said to be looking at re-writing, after a negative reaction on social media.


Flip Gordon has re-injured his knee and is out of the big ROH / NJPW co-pro show.

Maria blasts creative:

Maria Kanellis is angry that she was left out of a recent VT...

"Great video!! I think you forgot me? I'm on @WWE205Live which is part of the main roster. Oh & I've been in the company a total of 7 and a half years but that's cool. 15 and a half years total in this business. Maybe watch a few other places highlight reels. They don't forget me."

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