Sunday, March 10, 2019


Lana hot with champ:

Lana is furious that Ronda Rousey is getting mainstream media attention in Russia, because of her language. She feels she is letting down the company, the women, and the sport...

"This is so embarrassing that she is making the news in Russia saying the F word! WWE teaches their WWE Superstars to be role models to children. I pride myself in how WWE Superstars carry themselves. What are we teaching children by allowing this???"

Henry guiding Uso:

Mark Henry says he is trying to help Jimmy Uso after latest arrest...

"I don't think he'll be mad for me saying this, but I talked to Jon. He got arrested recently and I told him, 'don't hand your head. Everybody goes through struggles.' I was like, 'what you need to do now is to speak up for yourself and not let people create the narrative. Like, you let people know what it is.' And just like we've all run into police officers that are overzealous sometimes, if you will. He was not at a point where he was being belligerent. He felt like his wife got talked to in a way that she shouldn't have gotten talked to. We're all going to stand up for our wives and our significant others."

PPV tonight:

WWE are hosting Fastlane tonight, the last PPV before WrestleMania.

Indie debut:

Jonah Rock started his WWE career on the NXT tour this weekend.


WWE plan two visits to Saudi Arabia this year, but have dropped Evolution.

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