Friday, March 22, 2019


Old girl returning:

Ashley Massaro has announced she is getting back in the ring soon in NYC.

Tully recalls AA being punished for his famous drug fail:

On the night of Survivor Series 1989, Tully Blanchard, who was set to be in the main event, representing the Heenan Family, failed a drugs test. He was dropped from his WWE deal on the spot, and was replaced in the main by Bobby Heenan himself. In the wake of the incident Arn Aderson also left WWE to stick with his partner, they had an agreement in place to return to WCW anyway, but WCW refused to bring them back in after Tully's high profile drug fail...

"Flair calls me and says WCW found out about the drug test and reneged on the deal. So WCW didn't hire me back trying to save money and probably the biggest regret I had in my life. I didn't mind paying the consequences for my own actions, but Arn got penalized because of my actions and it cost him and his family money. That says a lot about WCW as a company and it should never have happened."

Impact debut:

Robbie E. made his NXT debut this week, as a manager, on the live circuit.

Taker training?:

Undertaker has been at the PC this week.


Former UK champ, Rhea Ripley, has revealed she has a leg injury.

Hogan at Mania:

Hulk Hogan has been confirmed for Mania this year. He is thought to be inducting Brutus The Barber into the HOF.

Million $ donation:

A children's hospital have revealed HHH and Stephanie McMahon donated a million dollars to open a special treatment suite last year, as they opened said suite this week. The WWE power couple were on hand to do the honours.

Heat on Rock:

Rock is getting blasted online after a US army core named a tank after him. He reacted positively to the tribute, leading to negative comments, blogs and videos about him.

Champ returns:

Chris Sabin is going to be working as an agent for Impact this weekend.

PC star wants out:

A former gymnast that signed for training at the WWE PC last year has asked to be let go after an injury scare. WWE are giving him time to consider his decision, but thise close to him say his mind is made up after the concussion scare he had recently.

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