Friday, June 2, 2017

Today's News

Million $ event off:

5 Star in the UK have pushed the event they offered CM Punk a cool million to compete in, back, from this month to February of next year. They blame the Manchester terror attack, but that is not believed to be the real reason.


Ariya Daivari blasts critics of 205 Live.

Raw-ck bottom:

Raw have scored the second lowest viewing figures in the shows history.

Chris Jericho talks when he knew it was time to go:

"For this one WWE run, I knew that it was time to go because you get to a certain level, then you turn baby face, and then that's where you start having problems, because with the baby face you either win the title and you're John Cena, or you start going down through the ranks. And that wouldn't work for me, for this character, with the Jericho character. I've always been better as a heel. That's my wheelhouse. And then people start liking you, so you switch, but then it's only a short amount of time when that stuff that they loved you doing as a heel, that they love as a baby … 'It's just a parody of himself.' And I don't want to deal with that s--t. I don't want to deal with the hardcore fans and stuff like that. I had fun with it, I knew it was time to go. I have people saying, 'When are you coming back to wrestling?' It's been 3 weeks." 

Rey Mysterio opens door to Impact:

"I was actually in conversations a while back with Impact about doing some shows. To be honest with you, it's not that I don't want to go work for them, it's just like I didn't have it in my game plan. I also didn't have Lucha Underground in my game plan before it was created. If the circumstances were right, I wouldn't mind going. I'm not interested in signing a contractual deal, but I would love to do some shows. People want to see diversity in their opponents and fans want to see their dream matches. If people want to see a match-up, let's make it happen."

Sin Cara 3:

Sin Cara is training his 8 year old son to wrestle.

Impact going live:

Impact will return to the road this summer in New York. Their live tour has been on hiatus for some time.

Impact claim credit:

One of Impact's senior execs has claimed that WWE put the World title on Jinder Mahal because they were on tour in India.

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