Saturday, June 24, 2017

Today's News


WWE have debuted another of last summers CWC 32. This time German Fabian Aichner, who worked NXT this week. Bobby Fish of ROH also wrestled.

Mauro talks how bad life on SmackDown was:

"I was willing to walk away from my dream job, let's leave it at that. In order for me to do that, I had to be true to my convictions and what makes you a human being." 

He has signed a new multi year deal.

Alum wins big:

Cody Rhodes is the new ROH champion. He beat Christopher Daniels at their big PPV last night.


ROH's boss has shared his view on why ROH are better than WWE...

"They are more spectacle than in-ring product. Pomp and circumstance is their thing. This generation, they want to see John Cena or The Rock, guys who are stars in other media, and it's more like a concert. We'd like to grow, but we don't want to impugn the product, and I'll never do that. We want preservation."

Orton nervous about HOF:

Randy Orton says he is worried about his future HOF induction...

"I've been around a minute but I started young, so yeah I have another five or ten years in me, easy. It's something I have thought about, if anything it's just a little nerve racking thing - the speech for the Hall Of Fame. I don't consider myself the best talker in the world, and sometimes I get carried away and I think I can say whatever's on my mind, and I know it's a live show, The Hall Of Fame - I just wonder how it's all going to go down. If it goes down, if I'm fortunate enough for it to go down. But yes, it has crossed my mind but I'm living in the present and enjoying what I'm doing now. I've done so much for the WWE. Everything I've done, any movie I've done, any notoriety I have, it's because of them. So I owe them everything. My father, my grandfather, the wrestling business, the WWE in particular, has really given me everything. A lot of happiness, my kids are taken care of, my wife is happy, they get to travel. A lot of pluses come with it, the Hall Of Fame would just be the cherry on top."


Pete Dunne will defend the WWE UK title for ICW next month. WWE's Noam Dar will also work the show.


Hideo Itami was bust open at NXT last night.

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