Saturday, June 10, 2017

Today's News


As I noted earlier this week, Charlotte is taping a movie in Canada. It is now known that the film is 'Psych: The Movie.'

Angle talks different world of WWE:

"I can tell you that it is a completely different world today. They cater to the athletes so much, from diet to exercise, including at the buildings. When I was there before we only had one meal between one and three PM, and if you missed it too bad, but now they're healthy food at the building until the late evening. The athletes get drug tested at least four to 12 times a year to make sure they're clean, and they have a wellness policy where they have to take physicals every year to make sure they can wrestle. If you bang up your knee and you're not sure if you're hurt but you want to go wrestle, you can't. They're being more safe than sorry and that's incredible."

NFL Impact:

Impact say NFL star DeAngelo Williams will wrestle at this years Slammiversary.

NXT interrupt festival:

Pete Dunne attacked a singer at Download today. The performer was Mandrews. This led to a UK title match being booked for the festival.

Alum to UK:

Chikara are hosting their king of the trios tournament in the UK this year. Simon Gotch will captain one of the threesomes.

WWE miss out:

ROH man Dalton Castle has decided to stay with ROH, rebuffing strong interest from WWE.


Emma returned on the live circuit last night.

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