Thursday, June 15, 2017

Today's News

World champ recalls being fired by WWE:

Jinder Mahal has discussed his 2015 release...

"Looking back at it, it was probably the best thing that ever happened to me because I got to go away and reinvent myself and rediscover myself, get my confidence back, get my focus back most importantly. You need those lows to enjoy the highs and the wrestling business is like that. Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down, but you've just got to stay persistent and better days always come."

Mae Young Classic:

The first names to compete in this summer's WWE tourney have been named...

  1. Bianca Blair
  2. Danielle Kamela (Rikishi trained)
  3. Julia Ho (MMA background, Brian Kendrick trained)
  4. Kimber Lee
  5. Lacey Evans.
  6. Mary Kate (Ex of TNA)
  7. Sarah Logan (FKA Crazy Mary Dobson)
  8. Taynara Melo (Brazil)
  9. Victoria Gonzales (Daughter of Ruby Gonzales)
  10. Zhao Xia (China)

Mania UK:

British newspaper The Independent have obtained the short list for an upcoming WrestleMania, and UK fans may be encouraged. The three options are New York, Toronto and London. The newspaper further noted that London went down well with a fan survey taken at this years event in Florida.

Mania celeb to MMA:

Floyd Mayweather will fight Conor McGregor this summer. The long talked about fight was finally confirmed yesterday.

Davey Smith Jr talks Tyson's injury:

"So his - one of the things, and we can go back to talking about the training with Tokyo Joe, I mean we endured some hardcore sh*t. One thing that saved him with this neck injury was that they said his neck muscles they said were so strong that literally when the break - not to say the explosion happened, the only thing that was holding his head - his spine, his head, and his neck together were his muscles that were so strong. When they initially did the MRI and everything they were just like 'Whoah. Don't move, don't sneeze, we're gonna airlift you from here all the way back to Tampa. We need to do surgery,' And I think it was comparable to the Christopher Reeves neck injury which left him - you know, a vegetable basically. For him to survive that basically, they said that very few chance of people that survive it and don't die wind up in a wheelchair and they're completely paralyzed. They compared it to somebody hanging off of a cliff by their pinky. For him to have survived that, that's a testament to him and to the training we endured as his neck muscles were that strong to hold everything together. He's doing good, I was just down there earlier last month and he's training. I actually introduced him to an awesome massage therapist named Jason Cairo. These guys are awesome massage guys and the range of motion in his neck has already - night and day compared to what it was before. Is that to say he's ever going to wrestle again? I don't know. I don't think so. That's not because of him but there's a lot of risks if something happens or if he lands wrong and he becomes basically a vegetable. And WWE, to their credit, they're pretty good with keeping things with their rules nowadays, protecting talent and stuff like that. Daniel Bryan, or Bryan Danielson, he's another example of they won't let him back into the ring. I'm sure if he was wrestling safe every night and only wrestling sometimes, he could probably pull it off but let's say someone hits him acci- this isn't ballet. Somebody hits him or he lands wrong, and his concussion thing comes back and it becomes exponential or his neck injury or something. That's kind of the risk they're looking at. It's tough to say, I wish he could come back, but for the sake of his health, I don't think he's going to."

Strowman ready:

Braun Strowman is sheduled to return at Great Balls Of Fire, and will then move onto SummerSlam to main event vs Brock Lesnar.

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