Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Today's News


Raw started a lot of their WrestleMania angles last night. Undertaker returned to attack Roman Reigns, Triple H continued to rail against Seth Rollins and Austin Aries attacked Neville.


As well as beginning new angles Raw confirmed some WrestleMania matches, Chris Jericho vs Kevin Owens and a triple threat match for the Women's gold, Bayley defending vs Charlotte and Sasha Banks. This may become a fatal four way with the addition of Nia Jax.

Hall Of Fame:

Here is the official induction announcement for Ravishing Rick Rude...

Universal title:

Kevin Owens will get a return match for the Universal title, but will finish his feud with Chris Jericho first.


WWE have started to air vignettes confirming Emma is going back to her heel gimmick, rather than Emmalina.


SmackDown have won the hosting rights to the Backlash special this year.

Owens told he wouldn't last:

Kevin Owens has recalled that he was told he would never get to the WWE roster when he was signed, and that he made a vow to his wife he would be there in six months. He did it in 5...

"When I got to NXT, I had no idea what or who I would be really. I got signed, but I was never given an indication of what the plans were, if there were plans. As a matter of fact, when I got signed, Canyon Ceman, who is Triple H's kind of righthand man with recruiting talent, called me and said, 'well, we're going to hire you, but I was told to let you know not to get your hopes up as far as RAW and SmackDown goes because, as you're aware, you're maybe not somebody who Vince McMahon would gravitate towards. But you're going to get your chance in NXT like everyone else.' And my exact words back to him were, 'well, I look forward to the challenge' and he said, 'well, I thought that's what you'd say.' I wasn't okay with living in Florida for an extended period and I don't know what made me say this, but I told her 'once I'm on NXT television, I'll be on the main roster in six months and we can move back home.' And as much as she loves me, as much as she believes in me, she was the one to say, when a lot of people would tell me you'll never get to WWE' or 'if you do make it, you won't be successful', she would always tell me that they weren't right and that I would. As much as she loved me and believed in me, she still said, 'well, guys stay in NXT for years. Like, it's a nice thought, but come on!' But then, if you do the math, I started in NXT on December 11th and May 18, I showed up on RAW and was called up and that was six months, so it came true."

He also praised Daniel Bryan for changing the WWE perception on indie guys, and that he, Sami, Joe and others will be forever grateful for his role in them getting to live their dreams.

SmackDown tease:

  • Randy Orton to battle AJ Styles tonight to determine Bray Wyatt's No. 1 contender at WrestleMania
  • John Cena & Nikki Bella set to team up for first time against Carmella & James Ellsworth
  • Who will challenge Dean Ambrose, Alexa Bliss and American Alpha at WrestleMania?
  • Who will throw their hat in the ring for the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal?


Bushwhacker Luke says The British Bulldogs were horrible bullies, and recalled how they singled out one star in particular, Outback Jack...

"They'd dye his hair blue. They'd shave his eyebrows off. In the hotels they'd put the Coke machines over his door, so when he went out of his hotel room drunk he couldn't get in his room. If he did get in his room his mattress would be in the bathtub, and the bathtub would be filled up with water. They'd give him hell."

He also revealed he had arranged for Marty Jannetty to get help from DDP, as Jake The Snake and Scott Hall have done, but Marty did not turn up for the meeting.

WWE edit Raw:

WWE cut boos and ''Roman sucks'' chants from the in ring confrontation between he and The Undertaker.

TNA titles:

Matt Hardy says he and his brother still have the TNA Tag titles, TNA claim they have been returned to them.

Ring returns:

Finn Balor and Triple H will be working this weekends Raw live tour.

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