Saturday, March 25, 2017

Today's News

Randy's rocky return:

Randy Orton has recalled his return to WWE last summer being difficult...

"I've been back since last July and it was a rocky start when I came back from my injury. I had Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam and he's a machine right there. I got a concussion, got split open, blood all over the place. It kind of put me back a few steps. It took a couple months to get my feet under me again. then I got to doing this thing with the Wyatt Family and I don't remember having this much fun in the ring in a long time. Messing with them. The mind games. The promos. Tagging with Bray. Tagging with Luke. And being a part of the Wyatt Family threw me back into that heel element that I love so much and had missed for a very long time. It's no secret that I would prefer to be a heel, night and day, over being a babyface. And it was nice to get that little taste of being a heel again. And now I've kind of switched back over, so to speak. I still want to walk that line and be as much of a bad guy that I can be while still doing my job well. To answer your question, we're going into WrestleMania and it's been two years for me and I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to bringing the kids, all five children, and their going to watch their father whip Bray Wyatt's ass. Instead of going to it with them as a fan, I get to possibly main event it with them sitting in the front row. So personally, it's a huge victory."

He also praised WWE for putting their feud with Jim Cornette to one side for HOF...

"Well, I'd say until a few days ago, Kurt Angle was the guy who I was most curious to see get inducted this year. But a couple days ago, I heard that Jim Cornette is going to be given a live microphone and so I'm going to have a bag of popcorn, maybe a little flask of some good stuff in my breast pocket, and I'm going to sit back and listen to Jim Cornette and just cross my fingers that it's as good as I think it can be. Because he is amazing on the mic, he doesn't hold anything back, and I think it says a lot about WWE and whoever made that final decision -- I'm sure it was Vince -- to have Cornette induct the Rock 'n' Roll Express. Because there's some bad blood there. I don't know what it is. I know as far back as 17 years ago when I first signed there was some kind of weird backstage heat thing going on where Cornette never went up north and didn't like interacting with the guys in the office. You never really knew what it was, though I'm sure if you did some digging you could find out. I'm not interested in that though, I just think it's cool that he's being allowed to come and induct these guys into the Hall of Fame. These guys who are both very deserving in their own right."

Foley debut:

Noelle Foley has launched a YouTube channel.

Sami Zayn has his Mania moment:

Sami Zayn says being allowed to main event a live in Montreal last night was his Mania moment. He wrestled his best friend Kevin Owens.

Sasha Banks talks tough childhood:

"We moved a lot when I was younger because I have a brother with autism and we were just trying to find the right schools and the right doctors. After, from California, we moved to Iowa because that's where my mom's is from." Banks continued, "for me, growing up was really difficult having a brother with autism. It was such a struggle, but having that two hours of having wrestling, I just felt like that was my time and the only time I was… yeah, my escape, pretty much. Wrestling is the only thing that I ever loved. The moment I laid my eyes on wrestling, I knew that was what my calling was. I remember I was living in Iowa at the time and there was nothing on TV and we had no cable and SmackDown came on. It was legit, maybe at midnight, I was like, 'what is this?' And then I remember my mom coming in. She was like, 'what are you doing? What are you watching? God wouldn't like this stuff. Turn that off!' I was like, 'okay' so I turned it off. I ran into my brother's room and turned it back on and just continued watching it and I was like, 'wow' and I was instantly hooked ever since that very moment."

WWE give up on Undertaker:

It seems this year will really be the last year for The Undertaker. A major meeting was held at Raw this week due to how much pain he was in backstage. He needs hip replacement surgery, a surgery that would certainly end his career, and senior WWE execs are said to be ready to advise him to get the op, and hang them up. They have more matches they wanted him to do, big money drawing bouts vs John Cena and Sting, but are coming around to feeling he has done enough.

Mauro Ranallo:

A friend of Mauro Ranallo has updated his status...

"Yeah, he's doing okay, ya know? As everybody knows, he's very vocal about it, but Mauro is bi-polar. Sometimes - a couple of times a year, things [are] going too fast and he needs to just simply slow down and uh... but he's doing good. I talked to him and he's sent me funny video clips... it's all in good spirits, I think he will be back to normal very soon."


JTG is making a movie.

Landmark for diva:

Eva Marie is celebrating four years of sobriety.

Pete Gas shares wrestlers court story:

"True. The Undertaker is the judge. The judge is typically the wrestler with the most seniority in the locker room. I tell a story in the book where, unfortunately Undertaker was there, and Triple H had to step in. It was probably the funniest thing that I ever got to see in WWE. The A.P.A. was actually suing Teddy Long. The charges that were brought up were that Teddy was a cheapskate. The room was set up just like a courthouse. The bailiff was played by The Godfather. Ron and JBL were the plaintiffs and Teddy Long was all by himself as the defendant. Triple H explained that wrestlers court was a lot different from regular court because you can lie, cheat and steal, bribe, whatever you need to do. So, JBL reads out the charges and it was stuff like when they came up to a tollbooth Teddy wouldn't put his hand in the pocket until they were 30 yards passed it because he didn't want to pay the toll. And he never put his hand in his pocket for meals and gas and all of that. After the charges were all read, Triple H says, 'Teddy, you're pretty much screwed here…'"

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