Saturday, March 18, 2017

Today's News

HBK coming home:

Shawn Michaels says he is ending his TV show after the next series so he can concentrate on becoming a regular coach at the WWE PC.

Actor admits ribbing Andre:

Lee Majors says he poured Lasix into Andre The Giant's beer, when he played a guest role on his TV show 'Bionic Man'.

WWE pay:

WWE's highest earners have had their pay revealed for the last year...

  • Vince McMahon earned $3.071 million
  • Triple H earned $3.993 million
  • Michelle D. Wilson earned $4.317 million
  • George A. Barrios earned $4.3 million
  • Kevin Dunn's salary was $4.637 million

Vader claims he knew about Montreal:

"I told Bret straight out don't get yourself in a near full because if they have something planned, that's what will happen. The ref will count three. He said no Leon I trust Hebner and I've talked to Shawn. I said you're wrong - you're crazy. I said you think the businessman that Vince McMahon is he's going to allow you to go to WCW with his belt as World champion? I said Bret you're not that important. Nobody is that important but somehow he thought he was going to walk out of that ring world champion and go to WCW. How many employees does Vince feed? He fed me! I didn't want Bret to take that belt down there."

Harvey vs the giants:

Harvey Whipplemann says Vader is a liar, and Big Show a bully...

On Vader...

"Years ago, you remember 900 numbers? Before Twitter, and Facebook, and Internet. Jim Ross was running the 900 number for WWE. He says, 'Bruno, go tell Vader to come do an interview with Howard Finkle for the 1-900 number.' So it was right after his match with somebody, I don't remember who it was, at the old arena in Fresno. And I said, 'Leon, they need you to come here.' He said, 'Get away from me! I ain't doing it! I don't want to do it!' So Jim Ross comes to me and said, 'Did you get Vader to do his interview?' I said, 'No, he said he wouldn't do it. He told me to get away from him. He was rude about it.' So, Jim Ross and Gerry Brisco called Vader aside with me standing there. 'Leon. How come you were rude to Bruno?' He said, 'He never approached me.' I said, 'Leon! I walked up to you. You told me to get away from you, and you wasn't gonna do it!' He goes, 'Jim, I swear on my son's life he never approached me!' So, he's a lying piece of crap."

On Show...

"I like Big Show. But he gets mad at me for giving him cigarettes and hot dogs in front of anybody. I remember one day, I gave him Popeye's chicken in front of like Triple H or something. I thought he was going to beat me up!"

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