Friday, March 10, 2017

Today's News

Vickie Guerrero interview:

On HOF induction...

"One of them would have to be Tamina. She was my road partner. We still talk at least twice a month to catch up. I truly have a special friendship with her. She was there for a lot things I was going through in my personal life, and I was there for hers. The other person would be Johnny Ace, because he was the one who helped me with my contracts and helped me to know that this was going to work. He had faith in me and was a big part of my career. Of course, I would be honored if Vince was there to say a few words because he had a lot to do with this, too."

On why she quit WWE...

"The first eight years there were really busy. I worked with Edge and Dolph Ziggler and then with the McMahons in the general manager roles, but the last couple years I found myself in the locker room at TV doing homework rather than being used on the show. I started wondering if it was the end of my run. I never wanted to be released and always wanted to leave on my own terms. I didn't want to be one of those talents who just stays there and doesn't really have anything to do; I wanted to be productive. So I went to Vince in 2013 and told him I was contemplating leaving, and he said they could still use me, and they did. But he said, 'If you want to leave, just give me the time frame that you want to put your notice in,' and I said, 'Thank you so much.'"

Baby Bella:

Brie Bella has revealed her baby's name will be Birdie Joe.


TNA is dead. Bruce Prichard has announced that the name has been discontinued by the new owners. They also wrote the Hardyz out of their show, and gave Decay their Tag belts.

Alum to porn:

Marty Jannetty has been offered $150,000 to make three porn films, he is struggling with the decision, and has asked his followers what they think he should do.

HOF'er out of contract:

Gail Kim says Impact will always be her home, and she hopes to be back, but is not currently signed to the former TNA.

Harper critical of Wyatt Family:

Luke Harper has confessed he did not enjoy his time as a Wyatt...

"It's incredibly frustrating. There were times in my career when I felt like I was serving several different masters, and for me that wasn't beneficial. It was to a point, but then I didn't really realize what was out there until these last couple weeks. The 2014 run was a bit of a tease. I was still… I guess not fully developed as a WWE superstar at that point, and I feel like I'm completely developed now. The last six or seven weeks away from the Family have been very eye-opening. It was frustrating. Even to this day I'll go to an airport and someone will say 'hey Bray Wyatt!' or 'hey Erick Rowan!' They don't know who I am. And that's very frustrating, because I'm part of a group."


This years Undertaker vs John Cena match was killed by Vince McMahon because he wants Taker to face Roman Reigns before he retires. This has led to speculation that Vince feels it is time for Taker to hang them up, and that next month's event will be his farewell to in ring competition.

TNA vs Impact:

Jeff Jarrett was involved in an ugly spat backstage at Impact. The new management team were being very disrespectful in their comments about the previous regime, and one star in particular, Eli Drake, felt they were also demeaning the roster that had stuck with the promotion through their hard times, and deserved better. He made his views clear to Jarrett and Brother Love during a heated and tense meeting.

Rusev blasts country:

Rusev has come out against his fellow Bulgarians criticisms of his WWE career...

"I had so much backlash because before in NXT, I used to come out with the Bulgarian national anthem. And people were like, 'oh, why are you embarrassing the anthem?' How am I embarrassing the anthem? I'm from the freaking country. I have a freaking tattoo of Bulgaria on my shoulder. I'm proud of it. It's just so annoying with people hating all the time. Why can't you be happy for your countrymen?"

Actor says Hogan sent him to the hospital:

Sylvester Stallone says Hulk Hogan sent three stunt men to the hospital during filming of a 'Rocky' film, and hurt him badly too...

"I remember a violent move where he threw me into the corner , charged across the ring like an ENRAGED bull and leaped so amazingly high Above me,that his shinbone actually came down giant tree on my collarbone , and I tumbled to the floor," Stallone recalled. "I was afraid to look at my shoulder for about 10 minutes ... I said 'don't roll me over , don't move me,' because I was sure there was bone protruding through my upper chest ! Of course there wasn't but I have never felt such a mind numbing pain from a massive hit before or since that day!"


WWE will launch the WWE UK live tour for their UK talent in May, during the European tour.

Jake Roberts angry with WWE:

"Randy Orton has a lot of going for him. He's just missing that last little piece. I would love to spend time with him and see if I could help him. I've offered that before, and no one replied, so there you go. It hurts because I love the business and I want to give back to it. It's a damn shame that I reached out and didn't hear anything, it made me sick to my stomach."

WWE star honoured:

Titus O'Neil has been named a community hero by Tampa Bay Lightning.

New podcast:

Edge & Christian have announced a weekly podcast.

John Cena:

John Cena has landed a role in 'Daddy's Home 2' he will reprise his character from the original film.

Jericho leaving:

Chris Jericho's band Fozzy have announced a US tour in May, before they travel to Europe for festival season.

WWE releases:

WWE have had a clear-out of office staff. They have disbanded their social media team, and will hand their responsibilities over to digital marketing.

Hardyz sued:

Reby Sky says Impact have taken legal action against her family for ownership of their gimmicks. She also claims they are suing her dad, Senor Benjamin, who she claims was never signed, or paid a dime by the company.

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