Thursday, March 30, 2017

Today's News


Sanity vs Tye Dillinger, Roderick Strong, No Way Jose and Ruby Riot has been added to the card.

WWE student arrested:

A recent trialist at the WWE PC has been arrested. James 'Rudeboy' Riley, 25, was arrested in Staten Island for distributing images of children performing and engaging in sexual acts via his Google + and Tumblr pages. When police seized his phone and home computer they found thousands more images and videos, including footage of infants and babies. His promotion have dropped him from their next shows, and his family have refused to comment on the situation. He was working at the PC as recently as last month. He has posted a bond of $3,500 and has now been released by the New York cops as their investigations continue.

Real feud led to Mauro's misery:

A real world fall out between JBL and Mauro Ranallo is being blamed, by Mauro's friends, for his recent fall into depression. JBL had ranted on Mauro winning an award for best announcer last year, when he did not place in the top 10, on the WWE Network, to which Mauro replied on Twitter...

"Jealousy is one hell of a drug."

This only escalated the tensions between the two men, and things are said to have gotten pretty bad, before Mauro went MIA three weeks ago. JBL blasted him on Twitter for missing the first show, before the real reason for his absence was known. He did then remove his tweet attacking him, but has come in for strong criticism from social media users for picking on a sick man. Bradshaw has not responded to any of it, but Ranallo's friend's, including MMA great Bas Rutten are less than impressed with him, going so far as to call him out for his treatment of the Canadian.

Orton talks 'Taker:

Randy Orton says Undertaker should main event Mania this weekend, and should not lose. He added that he was not happy with the Mania 30 result...

"I think 'Taker and 'Mania go hand in hand. It's unfortunate that he picked up a loss a few years back, I think that was wrong and I think everyone would agree with me for the most part with the exception of maybe Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar. I don't believe that that loss tarnished his career, I just hate that his streak was tarnished."


Noam Dar was hurt on Raw this week.

Fan incidents:

WWE have had a number of fans arrested for breaching their WrestleMania hotels security.

Alum ready:

Shelton Benjamin has been cleared to return to the ring after a nine month injury layoff. He had been set to return to WWE before the injury

Goldberg snaps:

Goldberg has not taken kindly to criticism for saying he was miserable yesterday...

''Since this is chapping my ass let's get the record straight.....this @wwe run, experience is frikin' awesome.... honored, humbled, truly appreciative and then some," Goldberg wrote. "I'M MISERABLE PHYSICALLY BECAUSE IT TAKES A MONUMENTAL EFFORT, BOTH TRAINING AND EATING, TO TRY AND BE CLOSE TO WHAT PEOPLE REMEMBER.... I STRIVE TO BE THE BEST..... RESULTS ARE GREAT BUT IT DOESN'T MEAN THERE ARE NO BUMPS ALONG THE WAY."

NXT star to Mania:

Tian Bing will represent NXT and become the first Chinese wrestler to appear on a WWE PPV card in the Andre The Giant Battle Royal.


Speculation is rife that the Hardyz will return at WrestleMania to challenge The Uso's for the blue Tag gold. WWE are trying to secure legal clarification that they can use the Broken gimmicks in time for the show.

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