Sunday, March 26, 2017

Today's News

Marty Jannetty talks nixed Mania match:

"The barbershop window segment was actually setting up a match at WrestleMania VIII between Shawn and I. A few things didn't go the way someone wanted, so they ended up completely scrapping that idea, but that was the whole idea of the barbershop. We'd have needed 20-25 minutes with a jump-start to get the people on their feet. We had a match with a pace that was blistering in Denver a few months before WrestleMania VIII, and we could have had a match at WrestleMania that people would still be talking about. When it was over in Denver, the crowd cheered both of us in appreciation of what they saw. We were building Shawn up at the time, so that's the direction we would have gone."

Second diva hacked:

Sunny says she has been sent nude photos of a top WWE star, before the pictures are shared online. She refused to say who the victim is, but has blasted the perpetrator...

''Very upset right now. I just got a text message from a random number (area code is PA) and they sent me a picture of a very popular WWE diva topless in a very provocative pose. I know for a fact that she has never done any nude photo shoots. This was a private photo. I texted her and she said her iCloud was hacked. This is so f--ked up that someone would do this to her. She is an amazing person and someone I'm proud to call my friend. Whoever did this.... You are such a f--ktard. People deserve their privacy. Just because we are celebrities does not give any of you the right to invade our personal lives!!!!''


A fan died at a WWE live over the weekend. He fell from his seat to the floor and medics were called over. They worked on him for 20 minutes before moving him to the back, from which he was rushed to a local hospital. He did not survive the heart related incident. He was caring for a disabled person, police took over, and made sure the fan was looked after.

Sasha talks gimmick matches:

"I made sure, once I got signed I bought so many bikinis with a lot of pushup. I was ready. I knew I never wanted to be doing that, but I accepted that that's probably what I'm going to have to do, like I'm going to have to wrestle models and do bikini contests, but WWE was always the goal. I get so much slack on the internet because fans are like, 'oh, she hates all the Divas' and all this. No, absolutely not. I respect so many women and it's not them that want to do the bra and panty matches. That's just during that time. That's just the era it was. Like, if I was back in that era, I'd be doing that too. It's just where we're at right now and moving along with the times. But to me, I always wanted them to change that title. I always hated that butterfly title. Whenever they'd show it, I was like, 'why? It looks like a toy! It's a butterfly. That doesn't mean we're athletes.'

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