Sunday, March 12, 2017

Today's News

Porn pays:

Joey Ryan says he earns more from his sponsorship with YouPorn than he did from WWE...

"One initial check that YouPorn gave me paid me more than all of the dark matches and SmackDown job matches I did in WWE combined. So I'm going to go with the money. There's part of every wrestler that wants to be presented in a light that looks favorable to WWE, because obviously they're the top of the industry. But at this point I was like, I'm just going to do what makes sense for me."

2017 celeb Hall Of Famer:

Speculation on this years celebrity inductee has focused on one person in the past couple of days after Wendi Richter announced her first WrestleCon appearance over the WrestleMania weekend, meaning she will be in town. This has led to an assumption that Cyndi Lauper, Richter's manager at Mania 1, will be enshrined this year.

Jack Swagger:

Jack Swagger did not come to the UK for his first indie gig outside of WWE as his dispute with WWE drags on. Chris Masters subbed for him.

WWE star visits Alum:

Big E visited Kaitlyn, who is currently going through a rough divorce, over the weekend.

Impact botch:

Alberto Del Rio's entrance had to be re-shot in front of an almost empty arena, after they botched it during the as live taping for his debut.

Can't break me:

Matt Hardy is continuing to use the broken name and catchphrases on social media, despite Impact sending legal letters banning him from doing so.

Wyatt Family:

Erick Rowan is set to return to TV next week.

Alum to retire:

Adam Rose says 2017 will be his last year as a wrestler.


Kenta (Hideo Itami) is back in action after 5 months on the bench.

Retirement over:

Floyd Mayweather has come out of retirement to fight UFC star Conor McGregor.

Alum at live:

Santino Marella was backstage in Toronto over the weekend.

John Cena:

John Cena hosted a kids awards show last night.

Goldberg chastises fan:

A fan has revealed Goldberg told him off at Fastlane. He cursed at Goldberg for winning the Universal title, and Goldberg replied...

"Watch your language! There's kids around here. Just 'cuz you guys are lowlifes, doesn't mean you need to pass it around."

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