Friday, March 17, 2017

Today's News

Rock joins elite club:

The Rock will join the exclusive SNL 5X club when he hosts the show again in May.

Story shot down:

A report that WWE were ready to give up on Alexa Bliss because of her poor ring work has been shot down by Road Dogg, who says she is a star and is adored.

Hulk Hogan:

Hulk Hogan says he has ''No plans'' to attend WrestleMania 33.

Heat on Ranallo:

JBL has joined the chorus of criticism being thrown Mauro Ranallo's way after he no showed TV this week...

''I made the show, everyone made the show, everyone. Maybe he shouldn't have bashed me if he wasn't going to show up.''

Roving Roman:

Roman Reigns may lead the brand swaps after Mania. WWE want to give him more strong heel oposition than he has on Raw. This will mean he will not turn heel at Mania, but does not mean next years Mania main has been changed. The long term plan is, should they go this route, for him to dominate SmackDown for 2017, and then win the Royal Rumble to return to Raw to challenge for the Universal at WrestleMania 34.

AJ Styles is expected to go the other way, to Raw.

Sasha Banks reveals why she kept marriage secret:

"Yeah, I'll tell you, the first one I've ever admitted it to. I am married. I just hide it because our fans are so crazy sometimes. Yes, he's fine with it if it's known, but I say, 'okay, you know about it, but it's none of your business.' That's what I say to our fans. I just think fans are just so crazy. And, like, I see what they write to him on Twitter and I don't like that stuff. If you're saying he's ugly, or he shouldn't be with me because of this or that, like, that hurts me."


Jesse Neal is waiting for surgery on a broken ankle.

Golf with WWE:

WWE are offering a golf day with their stars during Mania week. 4 people can play per team for $2,500. 18 teams will be entered into a competition vs Team WWE.

WWE want ROH star:

Lio Rush has left ROH, reportedly to join NXT, who have been interested for some time.

WWE merch:

WWE are teaming with Puma and Foot Locker to create a line of sneakers.

Hall Of Fame:

APA will be inducting Teddy Long into the HOF.

Champ coming back:

RVD says he will return to wrestling this summer. He hasn't had a match for over a year.

WWE star hacked:

Paige has been hacked again. She, along with a number of other celebrities, have had nude pictures and videos posted online.


Tinashe will perform 'America The Beautiful' at Mania this year.

Chris Hero is back... Ohno he isn't:

Kassius Ohno was briefly returned to the WWE roster on their site today, then removed again. You can still access his profile though.

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