Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Today's News

WWE Network:

WWE are E-mailing past subscribers offering them 6 PPV's and three months of subscription to their channel for $9.99.

Bubba Dudley reveals why WWE refused to use TNA name:

"When you have something called the 'Be a STAR' program, it's not easy to have a character named Bully. That was one of the reasons. We came really, really close and I know the WWE Universe would have loved to have seen Bully Ray in a WWE ring."

Brock Lesnar:

Brock Lesnar has filed to have Mark Hunt's lawsuit against him thrown out of court.

Stealth fan:

A fan snuck into Raw's pre show rehearsals and shared a picture of Roman Reigns and Undertaker running lines in the arena.

WWE star robbed:

Enzo Amore had his sneakers stolen during a flight this week.


Neville vs Austin Aries (Cruiserweight) has been dropped onto the pre show, as has the Andre The Giant battle royal, which has grown in number. Goldust, R-Truth, Primo, Epico, Jinder Mahal, Bo Dallas, Curtis Axel, Sami Zayn and Braun Strowman have thrown their names into the hat for the bout. The SmackDown Women's match has also dropped onto the kick off.

Triple H vs Seth Rollins is now official and the Raw tag title match will now be a ladder match.

Triple H talks Kliq curtain call incident:

"I understand he had to punish. I understood the conversation I had with him. The only thing I said back to him was, 'I have to know, at the end of this, that this is over. If there is no light at the end of the tunnel, I can't do my job and I can't be here. I don't want to leave, I want to be here forever. But if there's no light at the end of the tunnel, then what's the point? But if it's over, then give me whatever punishment you have to give me. As long as I know there is an end to it, I am confident enough in myself that I can get back to where I need to be.' Vince said to me, 'It's done when you walk out this door. You're going to have to eat sh-- and like the taste for a long time.' I took the punishment, I walked passed it, and I earned respect by doing it. The reality of it is I said another thing to Vince in that room. I said, 'I understand why you have to do this and I'm not complaining at all, but why was everyone in that building standing up and going crazy? 'That was the biggest reaction of the night. The business has changed.'"

HHH trashes Randy:

HHH says Randy Orton fails to be as good as he can be...

"I've told Randy this since the day I met him, like, he had every tool to succeed. The only guy that was going to stop Randy was Randy because he can be a little bit of a self-destructor, but he has everything it takes, man. And I don't know if it's because he's just gifted or because he watched his dad, who was great, for so long, or I don't know what it is. But, man, he just has it all. And I still think Randy doesn't take advantage of all the tools he has. I still think he does what he needs to do. Do you know what I mean? But he could be even better. Yeah, I believe [he could attain another level of success]. I just think he's that good. I don't know if that's me believing in him more than he believes in him. I don't know what that is, but don't get me wrong. He's great. I just wonder how great he could be."

He did though reveal he fought to save a current popular star from being fired...

"There's been guys that have made it that over the course of a couple of years that were constantly on the cut list. Enzo Amore, when I brought him in, everyone at the tryout was saying, 'Get rid of this kid!' I was like, 'He's got a huge personality. If he can annoy us all this bad here, imagine what he can do on TV.' ... Every time he'd get his review, they'd be like, 'I'd cut him.' Dusty [Rhodes] and I would be like, 'Keep him.' Look at him now. ... Is he ever going to make you money from an in-ring performer standpoint? Probably not. But he's money on the mic."

Paige talks hack:

"I made a big mistake. Huge. I put trust in the hands of someone that took advantage of a young girl years ago. It was my mistake and I'll always take responsibility. But the one thing that was the hardest was thinking "my husband is gonna leave me" "my family will disown me" but I'm blessed beyond words to have a family and a husband that stuck by me because they know who I am. They know I'm not a bad person and they held my hands through hell. Because as my husband says "you may feel like the devil is throwing you into a storm, but just remember, you are the storm". And he's right. But we are human. Unfortunately people don't see it that way when they are behind a keyboard. They don't think that we have feelings or that we don't suffer. Not only was I a victim of viral humiliation but a victim of cyber bullying. I had days where I wanted to physically harm myself. Not only for what millions was telling me but because my family and my husband were suffering the same fate from the internet because of my mistake. It made me and Alberto to wonder how people who aren't as mentally strong as us can handle this? How many people have to suffer because of the internet and the cowards behind the keyboard. Or how many men and women have fell into the same trap as me and made those mistakes? That's why we are taking this massive negative and making some kind of positive. We wanna bring those people to justice and also take down the ones who are trolls, with the lack of a better term. Bring awareness. Bring help to those who don't have the tools or the mental strength to do this themselves. To show men and women alike to always think about their future before they do something like this that may cause a butterfly effect later on in life. Now I know through all of this is. No one will make me feel bad about my mistakes, I already know what they are and I already feel bad. But Alberto and I together can also make a change. My mistake could help people's future. Think. Before you act. Anyways. Onwards and upwards. Only happiness. No longer talking about anything. Just looking into the future and being happy! I mean come on, I'm getting married? How can I not be happy!!!!"


Sheamus was badly bust open on Raw last night.

SmackDown teaser:

  • WWE Champion Bray Wyatt will battle former follower Luke Harper tonight
  • WrestleMania Contract Signing for AJ Styles vs. Shane McMahon tonight
  • "Miz TV" to present the finale of the "lost" Total Bellas footage
  • Who will step-up en route to the SmackDown Women's Title free-for-all at The Show of Shows?

Alum blasts Vince:

Justin Roberts says Vince McMahon does not care what fans think of the WWE product...

"When you do a live wrestling show you have a live audience telling you what they like and what they hate. Instead of appeasing the fans and writing the show the fans like, and believe me they have some of the greatest minds and talent in wrestling, they could put on a Wrestlemania every week. Like the attitude era. You watch it now and its really flat for three hours and once in while the crowd kind of like some of it. It's not the talents fault. As an example, say the crowd really like Cesaro but the company wants you to like Sheamus so they are going to give you Sheamus until you like him in the same way you like Cesaro. Look at Roman Reigns, the company wants you to accept him, but if you like someone else, no you have to like who the company wants you to like. The fans aren't getting a show that is catered for them, it's catered to running with the guys who they want to push. The higher-ups at that company are the sort of people who say, 'You're not going to tell us what to do. This is our company and we will run it how we want' – that's it. Wrestling fans are so loyal they will find one or two things every week that they like about a show, even if they hated everything else. Its unfortunate and I want WWE to thrive. I just want the fans to have great shows and the shows I had growing up. I loved wrestling as a kid because it was great, and I want it to be the same way for current fans. I want the business to keep going strong."

Cena lands movie:

John Cena has landed a role in animated film 'Ferdinand.'

Terry Funk:

Terry Funk has pulled out of WrestleMania week bookings for health reasons.

McMahon wants heel turn:

Stephanie McMahon says she has been fighting to have John Cena turn heel, but was talked down, and now thinks it is for the best if he stays as he is.

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