Friday, March 3, 2017

Today's News

TNA swerve:

TNA leaked that talks with Alberto Del Rio had fallen apart earlier this week. They swerved us, he was at last nights taping, as was ODB. He had a big debut, asking for, and receiving a shot at their World title.


Paige was backstage at TNA last night.

Ryback talks wrestling future:

"Obviously with TNA, or Impact Wrestling, and they made a great offer a while back, and it's just that I have no interest in going anywhere right now with everything that I've got going on. New Japan, I know a few guys over there. They expressed that there was a lot of interest, but I don't know who is in charge of making decisions. There has been zero contact in terms of a phone call, or an email, or anything of that nature outside of just me hearing, 'they'd like to work with you.'"

Lana shares how she got signed by WWE:

"I just started speaking Russian. So it was Triple H right in front of me, Kristin Prouty, Canyon, Bill DeMott, and so, I literally just start speaking in Russian. And then, I go, I switch over to speaking perfect English. And I knew I got their attention from their reaction and all of their faces. I was like, 'okay, and I can breakdance.'"

Vader reveals morbid ambition:

Vader has defended continuing to wrestle, despite being told he has only two years to live, saying he hopes to die in the ring...

"I kind of wish I hadn't brought it up, and I am continuing to wrestle. Someone said, 'Aren't you afraid? Why would you get a booking (to wrestle) at this point when you've had this type of diagnosis?' I said, 'Brother, where would you rather die in a bed at home, or in the hospital, or would you rather die in front of 10,000 people having fun in the ring? So, if it's true, if this doctor isn't just totally full of s--t which, that's what I'm betting on, and I should say 'these doctors' at this point you know, that's my choice, and that's the way I decide to go out. If this thing's gonna happen, I'd rather be in a ring, anywhere, compared to sitting in a hospital room in a hospital bed, sitting there like some sheep getting ready to be slaughtered. It's not who I am, and it's not the way it's gonna happen with me."

Mania main to be settled next week:

SmackDown's management team have made a one on one match between Randy Orton and AJ Styles. Winner gets the title shot vs Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania 33.

King returns on Raw:

The King Jerry Lawler will return to WWE TV on Monday's post Raw recap on the Network.

Bella's cameo:

The Bella Twins have appeared in a popular YouTube stars latest video...

Mania rematch off:

Jack Swagger's first match outside of WWE was going to be vs Alberto Del Rio for Paige's dad's promotion in the UK this weekend. However WWE are not letting their man go. They have come out today to say that despite the former champion asking for his release they have not granted it to him, and even if it does happen he would not be allowed to appear for anyone else for 90 days.

Angle returns to WWE:

Kurt Angle has been taping for the WWE Network today.

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