Sunday, March 19, 2017

Today's News

Ryder returns:

Zack Ryder has announced the return of his YouTube show.

Birthday reunion:

Today is AJ Lee's 30th. To mark his wife's big day CM Punk arranged for her best friend from her WWE days, Kaitlyn, to visit for a reunion.

Reby Hardy threatens counter suits vs Impact:

''SeƱor Benjamin never signed one piece of paper stating TNA could ever use, broadcast or profit from his image/likeness. Maxel was never legally cleared to work/appear on camera. Wanna check them TV child labor laws & get back to me, TNA? Nearly every notable attribute that makes #BROKEN Matt Hardy "Broken Matt Hardy" was developed by ME in a @WaffleHouse. Yummy! Trying to prevent someone from legally making money is torturous interference of business & a HUGE OFFENSE! I filed for the #BROKEN trademark when all the shady business from JJ & Anthem got back to me, WEEKS before his contract was up. If owning my husband was that important, why not file/apply - oh, I don't know - BEFORE his contract was up ? BEFORE you found out I did? And the store I've been running for 5+ years, 100% by myself, with MY original designs & my sole effort/investment. Yeah, they want a cut. Theme song I composed/recorded/graciously allowed them to use GRATIS when they were having licensing issues w/music. They claiming that too. If the character is TNA's, where are their format sheets ? (Don't exist). Where are the scripts ? (Can't be produced; don't exist). And.... Best part. Ready? SURPRISE! "The Hardy Show" was behind the scenes recording OUR entire creative process this whole time. See you soon!''

WWE wedding:

Jason Jordan was married over the weekend.

Angle leaked:

Naomi's dad has revealed she will return at WrestleMania. Probably in the Women's title match.

Legend hangs them up:

Manami Toyota has decided to end her career, due to a build up of injuries.

Paige in court:

Paige's mum is threatening people sharing the nudes of her daughter online with legal action.

Bayley in ad:

Bayley has starred in an ad for Snickers.


"Like a Champion" by the Danger Twins is the latest announced official theme song.

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