Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Today's News

Hardy's all gone:

Reby Sky has confirmed both she and Jeff Hardy have also left TNA, but says, despite threats of legal action from TNA, they will not be dropping their broken gimmicks. She also claims that the Hardyz wanted to do right by TNA in dropping the Tag straps before leaving, but TNA refused to allow them to do so.

Matt is teasing appearances with WWE and NJPW on social media.


Rusev has changed his look, he has had a haircut.

Snuka's legacy in tact:

The writer of Jimmy Snuka's biog says he believes his clients legacy is in tact, despite WWE deleting him from their site...

"I don't think it's Chris Benoit. I'll say that much. I don't think you erase him from memory. All I'll say is I think his legacy is intact. Ultimately, you look at what he did in the ring and it's remarkable. And he was an innovator and he inspired so many people. But it's a touchy subject. It's hard because we're talking about a human life that passed away. Me, personally—if you ask me, 'Do you think Jimmy did it?' No. I met him and he was the kindest man possible. I just look at the whole thing as a shame, because there's a loss of human life there."

Angle return confirmed:

Kurt Angle will make his return to WWE TV on the night after WrestleMania. It is speculated he will be named the new Raw GM. He will also be on SmackDown that week.

Mania main muddle continues (SPOILERS!!!):

AJ Styles won the right to face Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania on SmackDown last night. Unfortunately for him the man that vacated the spot he won at Royal Rumble, Randy Orton, changed his mind, and says he will now face Bray Wyatt at the event. AJ Styles is clearly unhappy about this and is demanding that Randy be denied his right to the match, however the SmackDown management team say they will make a decision in the coming days.

The current plan is for the tournament to be declared null and void, as Randy's Rumble win entitled him to the shot, and the tournament was only set up as he vacated the right to it, therefore, as he has changed his mind, the match reverts to him. This will leave AJ furious with the management team of the blue show, and he will instead face Shane McMahon at Mania.


TNA's losses continue. Mike Bennett and Maria have announced their departures. They have been working pay to play deals since December, after their deals ended, and have decided they no longer want to continue with that arrangement. TNA had offered them new deals in recent days. Jade has also announced she is available for indie dates.

They are bracing for more departures as they implement new fixed contracts. Only a handful of stars are currently locked into exclusive deals, they want everyone to sign them, but the financial clauses are turning talent off the idea of staying with the new rules.

Finn Balor:

Finn Balor is reportedly penciled in to be on Raw on Monday.

TNA nix signing:

Alberto Del Rio will not be joining TNA. He was going to be brought in at the last tapings, but the backstage power shift delayed things. Now that John Gaburick has lost a lot of his power behind the curtain the deal has cooled to such an extent that the two sides have parted ways.

TNA star at PC:

Sonjay Dutt is coaching at the PC again this week.

WWE on TV:

Chris Jericho and Titus O'Neill have taped an appearance on 'Tanked'.


SummerSlam travel packages go on sale on Monday.

Kaitlyn split continues to bite:

Kaitlyn has announced she cannot send out packages as her estranged husband has locked her out of their shared warehouse.

McMahon honoured:

Stephanie McMahon has been named a Henry Crown fellow for the class of 2017.

Announcer injured:

Scott Stanford has injured his ankle.

Brother Love:

Brother Love will return to the TNA creative team at their next tapings.

WCW announcer confesses regretting moving from WWE:

Tony Schiavone says he cried after leaving WWE, and called to ask for his job back...

"I agonized over that decision for a long, long time. I did one of those things where I wrote down on a piece of paper, on a tablet, the pros and cons and agonized on it for a long time before I finally made the decision to go back. It was purely financial and I still regret that move, to be honest with you. I laid in the family room and cried and my wife said, 'what's wrong?' I said, 'man, I've made a terrible decision,' so I called Vince back and I didn't speak to Vince. I spoke to Emily, who was his secretary at the time. And I said, 'you tell Vince I want to come back. I've made a terrible decision.' So I called and Emily said, 'well, we'll get back in touch with you' and she called me back and said, 'Vince said, 'you don't want to move your family back up here a second time. That's not right. Stay there.'' So I did."

Swagger quits:

Jack Swagger called into a podcast to announce he has asked WWE to let him go, but they are dragging their feet, and that the two sides are a long way off agreeing a severance package.

Big Show admits frustration over potentially losing last Mania match:

"It is a little frustrating because my contract ends in February 2018. So I don't know what's going to happen between now and then. I don't know if there will be an opportunity for me next year at WrestleMania or not. I don't know because there's a lot of new Superstars breaking out and I've done my time. This was my perhaps my last opportunity to have a featured match at WrestleMania. And I would have had a good time working with Shaq. But this is a situation where, obviously, it's above my pay grade. It's between Shaq and WWE. Whatever their situation is, who knows. Either that or he say the fact that I was starting to get in really good shape and he got scared and decided that he wants to bail out. It's real easy to talk about stepping in the ring but once you do actually step in the ring, it takes a lot of courage and mental fortitude to do what we do. I understand the fact that if it's something that he doesn't want to do, that he's scared of, that's fine but don't put the blame on me because it isn't me. Just own up to it and say you're scared and that's that.''

Seth Rollins:

Seth Rollins is featured in episode 3 of 'My Child Is A WWE Star'.

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