Monday, March 13, 2017

Today's News

Rusev going home:

Rusev has a shoulder injury that needs surgery. He will be MIA for an as yet undetermined timeframe.

Michaels calls for more:

HBK says Brock vs Goldberg should be longer than they have been doing...

"It is, it's one of those, whatever the object that doesn't move and the immovable force or however that saying goes. And I think they will, I think they'll do their high-impact stuff, but the thing is, I think both of those guys are smart enough, they'll get some mileage out of that and be able to tell a good story with that. I'm going to say, I think with those guys, they can tell a story, I mean, you might feel that it's too much, but I feel like 17-ish minutes, 15 to 17."

HBK will likely be disappointed in his hopes. Current plans have the match on last, and ending quick, although not as quickly as the Survivor Series squash.

Balor backstage:

Finn Balor is at Raw tonight.

WWE vs UK:

UK promoter Ricky Knight, father of Paige, has blasted WWE's decision to launch their UK tour in Norwich as a conspiracy against him...

"The timing of the announcement, I wake up in the morning to this, about people running off our studio before our TV taping, and to me the timing is absolutely crap. I think it's a conspiracy somewhere, I'm going to say it straight out there."

Fan incident:

A woman was molested by a fellow fan at a WWE show over the weekend. The fan then fought with, and injured, two security officials.

Cena awarded:

John Cena has been named as the action star of the year.

WWE Hall Of Fame:

WWE have named this years recipient of the Warrior Award, and it is not Elijah 'Drax Shadow' Mainville. Motivational speaker Eric LeGrand, a former NFL star that was paralysed during a game in 2010, will receive the honour from Dana, Warriors wife.

Legend moving on?:

Kane has been away nursing injuries, but has asked for further time away to work on his insurance business and prepare a bid at a political office for next year. His WWE deal runs out next summer, and if he wins in his election hopes it is believed he would announce he will retire from WWE.

If he does not come back it would be the end of a 22 year career, dating back to the evil dentist of the summer of '95.


The Undertaker vs Roman Reigns has been confirmed for WrestleMania 33.

WWE release:

WWE have finally accepted Jack Swagger's request, and released him from their employ.

Bully snubbed:

Bubba Ray Dudley says he was one day away from turning on D'Von Dudley and returning to his Bully Ray gimmick from TNA, last summer, but WWE changed their minds and dropped it just 24 hours before it happened. This is likely the reason they decided not to sign a one year contract extension, which had been agreed, and instead announced their retirements on the post SummerSlam Raw.


Cedric Alexander has suffered a knee injury, and is out for 3-5 months.

New baby:

Konnor and indie star Krissy Vain are expecting a baby.

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