Saturday, December 31, 2016

Today's News

2017 starting big:

WWE have announced The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels will be on Raw on January 9.

HOF'er supports return:

Booker T says he will 100% back a 2017 WWE return for Hulk Hogan.


Tito Ortiz was at a WWE event last night. Meanwhile Ronda Rousey was soundly beaten in her latest MMA fight, lasting less than a minute. Her WWE switch may be getting closer.

WWE reunion:

A number of WWE stars trained at Ezekiel Jackson's gym this weekend.

Major return in UK:

The iconic World Of Sport is back on UK TV. A special two hour debut episode earlier tonight ended a 30 year break. A new WOS title was unveiled, and was won by Dave Mastiff in controversial circumstances, which led to a rematch, and a new champion. This time TNA's Grado got the gold. WWE HOF'er Jim Ross was on comms and Alum DH Smith made a surprise appearance in a battle royal.

Finally... Thank you for another year supporting the page... hope you all have a happy, healthy and prosperous next one... see you on the other side...


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