Sunday, December 11, 2016

Today's News

Fired writer speaks out:

Tom Casiello has come out to discuss his firing by WWE...

''I'm sure there will now be lots of stupidity floating around. So here's my only statement on this, and you can print it, and then I'm not entertaining this anymore. I think the McMahons, despite all their eccentricities and quirks, are AWESOME. I loved working with them. You won't find one bad story about me in six years. Well, I did fall asleep in a production meeting once. But whatever. We all got along. I got along great with talent. The writers are like BROTHERS to me. It was sad, but I walked out with my head held high, and I'm seeing them for dinner next week. There's no scandal or drama. I worked with amazing people who produce almost 600 hours of original television. See, here's the thing you might not know about writers. We are nomadic. We lose our jobs all the times. I've lost 12 jobs in 20 years. So believe me when I say there is ZERO bitterness, Ergo, no need to spend the next years of my life on podcasts bitching re: a job I loved. This is how this industry works, folks. It's just business. I totally get it. They totally get it. We're all on the same page. The elimination of my position had NOTHING to do with my stand on the election, my sexual orientation, or anything else invented by websites. I have been open and honest from day one about who I am and what I believe in. And Vince was respectful of that. HAH! There is something else I want to say. (See? Y'all got me cutting promos now!) But to say that I, and I alone, am single-handedly responsible for the Women's Revolution is preposterous & an insult to the dedication and hard work those amazing women have accomplished. Newsflash: if Vince doesn't want to do something, he doesn't do it. If he wants to,he does it. Did I work closely with the Women's Division? Yes. I did. From Day one. And I always fought to get them more time and better stories, etc. But believe me when I say it takes an ARMY of people to make Raw and SDL happen. And EVERYONE is behind what's been happening with the Division. And EVERYONE works together to see it through. So for everyone posting and speculating and wondering if this means the Women's Division is suddenly going to go back to bra and panties matches that are 3 minutes long... stop. These women are unstoppable. They're here to stay, no matter who's writing the show.''

Cena on TV:

John Cena hosted 'Saturday Night Live' last night (Photo).

Hall Of Famer announces election plans:

Booker T says he is going to run for mayor of Houston in 2020.

Rock troops surprise:

The Rock surprised a military bride on TV last night. He reunited her with her husband, who had been stationed abroad.

WWE extend show:

'Story Time' will be 30 minutes from the next episode.

Backstage battle in WWE:

A source close to the McMahon's has made some spectacular claims about the workings of the family. He says Shane McMahon was forced out of WWE by his sister and father during a power struggle in 2009. He also says Vince and Shane had a meeting in 2012 to soothe the waters, but Triple H ''Freaked out'' at the idea, and Stephanie lost all the colour in her face when they were told. Vince re-booked the meeting away from WWE HQ, as he was stressed about the drastic drop in ratings. Shane had agreed to return to take over the creative department and also wanted five of his own people brought in as consultants. Kevin Dunn was all for the idea, as his position has always been in jeopardy due to tensions with Triple H and Stephanie, only Vince McMahon has kept him in the company to date. Vince agonised over the decision, but eventually turned down Shane's offer to return, much, the source says, to the relief of HHH and Steph.

He also noted that Triple H never appearing on screen with Shane McMahon since his return is no coincidence, hinting that the tensions between the siblings (And her husband) are still very present to this day.

Rocky reunion:

The Rock will be at an event to promote 'Fast 8' in New York tonight. It will be the first time he has been with his fellow cast members since the tensions on set boiled over during the filming of the movie.


AJ Styles has been pulled from another weekend of lives due to his ankle injury.

Jerry Lawler reveals why he was released:

Jerry Lawler says he has a WWE deal until January, but will have a role as HOF MC for life, and is looking forward to working on a Network special on Memphis wrestling next year. He also shared why he was dropped. Kevin Dunn told him WWE could no longer justify his salary, which was the same as when he was one of the main announcers, for the Network pre shows. He also says Vince called him personally to tell him he will always have a home in WWE, whatever the future holds.

Heel Ziggler returns:

Dolph Ziggler superkicked an inflatable Santa on the stage at a live last night. The spot received a mixed response from the fans.

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