Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Today's News


Dolph Ziggler (WWE) and Hype Bros (Tag) earned title shots last night. Dolph's shot came after James Ellsworth's chance was cancelled due to illness. The match was postponed because AJ Styles was not cleared to compete on the night, as WWE had been hoping.


WWE hosted their annual Tribute To The Troops last night. Cesaro & Sheamus earned a shot at the Raw Tag titles, and Lilian Garcia returned to sing the national anthem.

Cena coming back:

John Cena will be back on December 27.

New star:

Mustafa Ali, the last member of the 205 live roster, has been added to WWE's site.

WWE star awarded:

Baron Corbin has been named most metal athlete by Revolver.


Zack Ryder injured his knee in his winning effort in the battle royal last night. He is currently using crutches to get around. Meanwhile AJ Styles has been pulled from all events until after Christmas.

Orton talks breaking kayfabe:

After criticism for WWE, and Kevin Owens in particular, due to a fan incident earlier this week, Randy Orton has discussed breaking kayfabe at Survivor Series to console Shane McMahon's family...

"I know what it's like to be in his position and I know what it's like to be in his family's position, because I've been on both sides growing up in the business. Especially having my kids ringside when I've been hit a little too hard, maybe, if you know what I mean, or got a gash across the top of my head in a ladder match. I know that the kids worry. And I knew where they were sitting and I also knew that the match was gonna slow down to tend to Shane and make sure he was alright. So I just thought you know what? What better use of my time for the next 15 seconds than to go over there and talk to his kids and make sure they're cool? I told them their dad was a champ and he was a tough dude, and he's fine, and it's just part of what we're doing right now, kids. Don't worry about it. And they smiled and the wife was happy, and everything was cool. At first I was like 'Oh man, I'm blowing my gig, I can't be that guy. But at the same time, that's who I am. The people got to see a little side of me and that's the nurturing father figure that I am for my kids."

WWE shown race card:

WWE posted a photo of the five current ''Black'' champions on Raw. This drew the ire of the internet. Kofi Kingston, one of those featured, blogged on the importance of the achievements the talent have made, and the reason they deserve to be proud...

''While much of the feedback has been positive, there has also been a lot of negative response with regard to the picture we posted illustrating Rich, Sasha, Xavier, E, and myself wielding our championship titles. Perhaps this is because many are in question of the motivation behind the post: It does not come from a place of malice, spite, or gloating. It comes from a place of joy and a place of happiness. We have a very strong sense of pride in being the Black People simultaneously holding championships in WWE. Historically in our nation, there was period in time where this would not have happened, followed by a long period of time where it became possible, but had not actually materialized. Now, we are in the time in which the possibility has become a reality. Why does this matter? It matters because even though it is hard for some to fathom, the fact is that there are many people who feel as though it is impossible to attain certain goals because of the color of their skin. This is why we must acknowledge the color of ours in this instance. It is important for people of all races, but particularly people of color, and especially the youth, to see that it is entirely possible to achieve your dreams and aspirations regardless of your race. We are a shining example who want to be a source of motivation for others to believe in themselves and do the same. Excellence is not the same as supremacy. #BlackExcellence is not meant to be divisive. For even if you do not fall into the specific category, you can still take enjoyment in our pride, because in the biggest picture, in a society that often focuses on the negative aspects of race relations, what has transpired with the 5 of us speaks positively to the progress we've made as a nation.''

Hogan payday coming:

A judge has told Hulk Hogan he will receive $31 million of the $140 million damages he won from website Gawker. This is because the site have gone bankrupt.

Podcaster to WWE:

Sam Roberts will get a spot on the Roadblock pre show panel. WWE want to reach out to more people and freshen things up.

205 Live:

Vince McMahon is personally producing the 205 Live show for the Network. He is said to be very hands on.

WWE feud:

Chris Jericho has angered William Regal. He tweeted a dig at two of NXT's stars for copying one of his moves, earning this response from the GM of the brand...

''The tens of thousands of us that came before you are all thankful you invented everything Chris. Again,thank you.''

HBK talks Royal Rumble:

"No one has even contacted me about that show. I don't know if anyone cares that I'm from there. I think the WWE has happily moved on from me."

He also says he is comfortable being retired.

JJ advising new owners:

Jeff Jarrett is talking with the Fight network and new TNA owners Anthem. Filling them in on the history of the promotion.

WWE seasonal video:

WWE have posted their annual holiday message to fans...


There is no plans for a Slammy awards show this year. This may be conformation of WWE plans to move the awards to WrestleMania week.

Hardy wants change:

Matt Hardy thinks the new TNA owners need to change the name of the promotion...

"The name 'TNA' just has a negative connotation in many ways and it needs to be deleted and be bridged into something else. I am fully in belief of that."

Randy Razor:

Razor Ramon embarrassed himself today. He posted a picture of his Christmas tree, but forgot he was watching a porno on his TV, which was right next to the tree... in the picture.

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