Saturday, December 17, 2016

Today's News

WWE saved my life:

Gerald Brisco has done an interview with X-Pac.

On Pat Patterson hating attitude era name...

"Pat Patterson hated hearing that word. He hated it. I used to rib Pat all the time. I said, Pat you and I worked for twenty years in our careers trying to have a reputation as good workers. Now forever in the history of wrestling we'll go down as two stooges. He'd say, don't say that! I said, man you're labeled now. You're a stooge."

On Vince using HOF'er as his muscle...

"That is true. Gorilla (Monsoon) made the trip down there (Georgia territories) and stood backstage, made sure the boss was OK. And he was OK...It wasn't just the WWF guys that respected Gorilla. He was respected throughout the industry as a standup guy and as a tough guy."

On original plans for WrestleMania 1 title match...

"We were ready to attack WrestleMania I with Murdoch and Adonis for the title and get the titles. That's when Jack said, I've had enough. I'm forty years old and I'm finished. And he quit. He was one of those guys that when he walked away, he walked away. He never came back."

On WWE saving his life...

"He said, I'm going to get you the best cardiologist in the world. I'll have somebody call you back in ten minutes. So about ten minutes later Stephanie called me back and said, Gerald we got you set up in Pittsburgh with a cardiologist specialist up there. They want to know when you're coming. I said, well I need to go right away, Steph. I said, I'm scared to death, and I was."

The Rock:

The Rock has been nominated in a number of categories by the NAACP awards.

Brother Love puts HOF'er on blast:

Brother Love has rounded upon Sunny, revealing many of her faults, and backstage bad behaviour during her WWE career...

On her alleged affair with Shawn Michaels...

"There were rumor and innuendo all over the place about her relationship with Shawn. Oh God, I don't know, but I mean, everybody was talking about it. It's not like they were hiding it. She probably thinks they were hiding it well. Everybody suspected it, there were a lot of rumor and innuendo about it, and they didn't hide their affection in public. It was very obvious and the general sentiment of the locker room and everybody else was more of not, 'oh my God, they're over there f--king' was 'poor Chris (Candido)' because it just put Chris in a bad light. It put him in a horrible, awkward position. He definitely, I mean, suspected it and he definitely heard the rumors, and definitely was internally battling it constantly on a daily basis. Jesus Christ, being there, you felt horrible for him because you want to shake him. Well, he could have walked away from her and walked away from the situation. He knew. He definitely knew. And it ate him up. The fact that he did nothing, people got to the point where they stopped feeling sorry for him and were kind of like, 'okay, dumbass, if you're not going to do anything, you're going to let this little girl run all over you and do this s--t in your face, then you don't deserve anybody to feel bad for you because you're letting it happen and you're not doing anything about it.' Doing nothing basically made the situation worse for Candido and the way the guys looked at him. And then, it became the viewpoint of Sunny and Shawn, kind of like, 'well, the boyfriend doesn't care. Why should we care?'"

On her jealousy of Sable...

"Sunny was the first, but, man, all of a sudden, that newer model came along and it was like, 'ruh roh', so I would debate the jealousy thing. I think it was pretty much 99.5% jealousy. Sable was the hottest thing and she was outselling Sunny. She did outsell Sunny and she was blowing her out of the water as far as merchandise sales and everything else. So all of a sudden, there is competition and there's a new, hotter babe in town and you've got the one that has been here a few years and she's not showing up on time, she's not coherent a lot and all of that other good stuff. So now you've got the new model here. And Rena's new, she's, A), willing to do anything, and she's up. And, by the way, the reaction she gets when she walks out there is huge. Yes."

On backstage fight she had with HOF'er...

"Paul (Bearer) hated her. Paul absolutely hated her. Yeah. Paul hated Tammy. And, well, they got into a physical confrontation at a TV one time. And they got into a, I like to call it a 'pinch fight'. Well, it was kind of like two little kids slapping at each other. And Paul didn't want to hit her, but he didn't want her hitting him. And people got involved and got her the hell out of there."

On his view of her...

"I don't think she is a good person. I truly want to believe that everyone is a good person deep down, I really do, but some people aren't, like the asshole that poisoned dogs this week and killed them. I think that's a bad person. She may be in a category of being a bad person."

Linda under fire:

Huffington Post have criticised Linda McMahon for her WWE past, notably putting the territories out of business. They say she is not a good choice for small business advisor in the presidential team of Donald Trump...

''The McMahons, however, envisioned a national wrestling empire, and at times showed little concern for the fates of rival promoters who stood in their way. Their not-so-small business swallowed up many of the other existing regional wrestling organizations and established what is effectively a monopoly over the industry. Vince McMahon has bragged about pushing his competitors out of business.''

Rock record:

Rock's film 'Fast 8' has broken the record for most watched movie trailer.

WWE list 50 worst ring names:

  1. Bastion Booger.
  2. Hugh Morrus.
  3. The Gymini.
  4. Mantaur.
  5. Justin Credible.
  6. GI Bro.
  7. Thurman 'Sparky' Plugg.
  8. The Godwinns (Henry O. & Phineas I.)
  9. Peggy Lee Leather.
  10. Meat.
  11. The Red Rooster.
  12. Bodydonna's (Skip & Zip).
  13. Who.
  14. Arachnaman.
  15. Isaac Yankem DDS.
  16. Pez Whatley.
  17. Blue Meanie.
  18. Terra Ryzing.
  19. Crowbar.
  20. Chip Minton.
  21. Uncle Elmer.
  22. Roadkill.
  23. Man Mountain Rock.
  24. Kwang.
  25. Bertha Faye.
  26. Battle Kat.
  27. Super Great Ninja.
  28. Muffy Mower.
  29. Just Joe.
  30. Max Moon.
  31. Michael McGillicutty.
  32. Kelly Kelly.
  33. MI Smooth.
  34. Scotty Flamingo.
  35. Super Invader.
  36. Tugboat.
  37. Ace Darling.
  38. Super Porky.
  39. Jimmy Wang Yang.
  40. The Booty Man.
  41. Well Dunn.
  42. The Blacktop Bully.
  43. Rad Radford.
  44. Gashouse Gilbert.
  45. The Goon.
  46. Firebreaker Chip.
  47. Kwee Wee.
  48. Tough Tom & Mean Mike.
  49. Chilly Willy.
  50. The Ding Dong's.

NJPW talk WWE taking over:

NJPW's boss has discussed WWE trying to take over wrestling in it's entirety...

"WWE strategy 1: raise roughly 2 billion Yen from the network to create a network of global territories and tie up talent. It's very possible WWE purchase a promotion in Japan. WWE are shoring up their network because of cable cutters and prevalence of streaming, meaning declining TV ratings. The cable TV structure as is will collapse in the US within 3-5 There are many reasons for WWE to create local territories. It cuts cost just to send talent on international tours and not the whole infrastructure. WWE are only functionally profitable in the U.S., Canada and U.K. They have TV elsewhere but that's all. By creating territories, they're able to actually create products with awareness of cultural differences and characteristics of markets. WWE have had difficulty in creating new stars. By going to local territories and broadcasting them, they can create network stars. WWE are taking big gambles, in IT for one."

He also said NJPW may either have to fight them, or join them, as he expects WWE to buy a promotion in Japan at some point...

"This isn't the platform to discuss NJPW strategy fully, but we will announce something soon. We are entering a phase where you are either with WWE or against them. WWE have a lot of weaknesses and time is not on their side."

Top stars go home:

Chris Jericho and Randy Orton have this week off the live circuit.

AJ Styles joins internet fad:

AJ Styles and his two sons succeeded in their attempt at the 3 marshmallow toss challenge. He and his two boys threw a marshmallow into the air and they all caught one in their mouth.

Balor surprise homecoming:

Finn Balor turned up at an indie event in Ireland last night.

Ryback talks changing his real name:

"Ryback was a name I created when I was not in the WWE, along with 'The Big Guy' and 'Feed Me More.' I understand WWE and Vince McMahon like to protect the WWE brand, rightfully so, but I don't come in there and say, 'OK, I now own WWE and the same goes for my brand.' They have gotten away with that for far too long, and I gave them my heart and soul while working for them. I refuse to be limited to just a wrestler and have other people tell me I cannot do other things with my life. I want to control how I am perceived and am allowed to make a living with the brand I created and own."

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