Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Today's News

WWE star takes challenge:

Dana Brooke has again entered the Arnold challenge. She placed 13th twice in the past couple of years.

Vince idea rubbished:

Vince McMahon came up with the idea of Sasha tapping out at Roadblock with seconds left in the match. Producers and members of the creative team felt it would not work, and was a bad idea, but of course no one told him.

SD title matches:

Wyatt Family will put their Tag gold on the line in a fatal four way match next week. The Uso's, American Alpha and former champs Heath and Rhyno will be the challengers. As well as this AJ Styles will give Dolph Ziggler and Baron Corbin a shot at his World gold.

Rowdy Renee:

Renee Young has been talking recently about being open to getting in the ring at some point. That angle may be starting. She slapped Miz during an interview yesterday after he made an off colour remark about her love life. This has led to speculation that her man, Dean Ambrose, would team with her against Miz and his lady, Maryse, at some point in 2017.

Double booking for WWE man:

Xavier Woods has agreed to judge next years anime awards. He may have forgotten to check his diary though. The ceremony is the same night as the Royal Rumble.

Rock celebrated:

The Rock has been named as one of 
the world's 50 most creative people of 2016.

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