Sunday, December 18, 2016

Today's News

Punk sucks:

MMA legend Gary Goodridge says CM Punk ''Sucked ass'' at MMA...

"You know what, I thought the UFC was just playing around with wrestling. Because wrestling has a big following, you know? I didn't even know that until Brock brought me up to this one here. I had no idea they had so many fans, so I thought UFC was playing with him a little bit. I think they're probably going to stop now because CM Punk sucked ass. What happens when you fight -- it's quite different from professional wrestling -- what happens when you fight sometimes you go out there and your brain just blanks. It's a place you never want to go, and me I was always afraid of going out there and you just go blank. He trained for two years, and he goes out there and just goes blank, I mean he just lost everything. The hip and the hype got ahold of him. Many people say 'Oh he's a professional athlete it should of never got ahold of him' but still, fighting for your life and fighting for showing up for a game, just playing -- fighting and dancing are two different things. So when you go out there and you actually fight somebody, I can see how his mind went blank. So yeah, I think he learned a lot but he didn't have time to play. He needed to go out there and go easy into it, rather than (makes smashing movements with hands). That's what happened to him. He needed to just go out there and jab, relax, then fight. He didn't have that, so I think he squashed himself. Take your time, take some low-class match stuff, not fighting somebody like that right away. Relax, take your time."

Booker T critical of SmackDown star:

"Naomi needs to put in time. Do you know what I mean? I really like Naomi, but the thing is, Naomi has a whole lot of athleticism. Do you know what I mean? She can go out there and perform at a very, very high level. She got a lot of talent, but when I look at a performer, I look at their overall range, just like a musician. I've got to see exactly what you can do. If you can just sing, you're not a musician. Do you know what I'm saying? That doesn't make you a musician! If you can play the piano and if you can pick the saxophone and the flute up and play, and you jump on the drums, bop, bop, bop, that's what I look for in an entertainer. I look to see how well-rounded they are and Naomi is good, but her psychology, the reason she goes out there and [does] stuff. She does not bring me any emotion and make me feel when I watch her perform. She's just doing the moves."

Raw special:

Tonight is WWE Roadblock. All of Raw's championships will be up for grabs.

Forget me:

Zack Ryder says Mojo Rawley should ask Curt Hawkins to be his partner for the Tag title shot he earned his team last week.

WWE sign TNA old girl:

WWE have reportedly signed Rosie Lotta Love, ex of TNA. They have also invited 6'5 inch Katya Kavaleva to the PC for a trial in the new year. She is a former world kick boxing champion.

Balor nominated:

Finn Balor has been nominated for rising star of the year in his native Ireland.

Hall Of Famer in surgery:

Mick Foley is having hip replacement surgery. He delayed the op for the Sami Zayn angle, but will now get his problem fixed. He will be off TV until the new year.

Attitude Era reunion:

The Hardyz and The Dudleyz reunited to celebrate their 2000 tables match in New York last night.

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