Sunday, December 25, 2016

Today's News

Hope you are all enjoying your day...

Vader talks traumatic medical news, reveals he will still wrestle:

"I had a rollover car accident. I was in my company car, was actually coming back from Costco and there was a series of turns. I caught a turn too late, an overturn coming back, and it actually rolled. I rolled the car twice, the whole top of the car was caved in where my head was. My head looked like it might -- My eyes were black and blue, my nose was so swollen, my forehead was swollen, my head was probably close to twice the normal size. I probably should have died in that accident, it was probably just two or three weeks prior to that accident I was seeing a doctor. I was in the medical center and I was seeing my doctor, who is actually an MD, and heart specialists came into my room. They said 'We've been looking at your heart' and I said 'Who are you?' I didn't recognize the guy. He said 'You have two years to live. We've been looking at your heart, and that's the deal.' It wasn't much longer than that when he came back in the room -- cause he left and obviously I had a bunch of questions and I'm in the process of answering those questions at this point. So for me to start talking would probably be premature at this point. I've been in the gym, I feel okay, I've been feeling pretty good actually. I don't know exactly what he's talking about or if something will show itself up in weeks to come, but right now I'm still trying to figure out exactly what's going on But Yeah I've got bookings now, and I'm in the gym preparing for those bookings. Autographs, wrestling matches, and maybe I can get a match with Kell (Chael Sonnen)."

Matt's broken holiday sing song:

Matt Hardy has given a personal rendition of a classic Christmas song...

Ryback reveals why he never dated WWE co-workers:

"Joey Mercury used to tell us, early on in developmental, don't poop where you eat, but he used to use another word, essentially. Now you kind of see some of the other wrestlers dating the Divas and marrying them, which they take that to another level. For me, I tried to talk to all of them, [be] friendly with all of them. I always kind of remembered that early on seeing instances where it goes bad and it never ends up well. I felt like I was in a position if I wanted to go that route it wouldn't have been a problem or truly affected me, but I've seen it affect other guys."

Bob Holly:

Hardcore Holly has done an interview...

On terrible WWE (Sparky Plugg) ring name...

"People laugh at it. I'll tell them, what am I going to tell these guys?! No?! I guarantee you if they gave you that name you wouldn't tell them no, especially when that's been your goal all your life. You wanted to be in WWF. You would take whatever name they gave you, whether it's humiliating or not and just run with it."

On gift from Vince McMahon...

"He goes, no, I'm gonna let you have (Race car) it. I'm going to sell it to you. I think he was screwing with me. He had to have been. I was in a panic because I was like, oh my God how am I going to get the money to pay for this? There's no way. Even if they took it out of my pay I would end up with nothing for years and years and years. I was freaking out. So then he goes, I'm going to sell it to you for a hundred dollars. I'm like, excuse me? He goes, a hundred dollars. I said no, I will sell it and get you your money out of all this equipment and give it back. He goes, nope. It's yours for a hundred dollars. I insist. Stay on the phone with my attorney and we'll send you all the paperwork and blah, blah, blah, and he hung up. To this day I never saw that hundred dollars come out of my paycheck."

On the Matt Cappotelli incident...

"That was a huge oxymoron, wasn't it? I mean really. He was consoling him and everything. I'm like, are you kidding me...I was recovering so I never did talk to him. Bill and I probably had talked about it but I can't remember the conversation. Actually I know we talked about it but I honestly can't remember the conversation. It's not ballet what we do. It's a rough business. I did the same thing with Randy Orton on a nightly basis, because that's what they asked me to do. Randy, not one time, not one time complained about me being too rough with him. That's just the way I wrestle a lot of times, because I don't mind it back. If I'm going to do something to you, I'm fine with it back, and that's the way it is in wrestling."

On the concussion lawsuits vs WWE...

"I'm not worried about it. The thing is, that's what I chose to do. Vince didn't twist my arm and say, get in that ring and do this and this and this. I chose to get in that ring. I chose to have the matches, as far as how rough I was. I chose that. He didn't tell me to go out there and be rough. He didn't tell me to go out there and take a chair shot to the head, or anything like that. I chose that career path. That's what gets me. It's like, these guys chose this and some of them are even still wrestling. So how can they sit there and say they're having post-concussion syndrome when they're still wrestling? I just don't understand that. It's a crock of s--t if you ask me."

On changing his view on women...

"Women's wrestling has evolved so much. I honestly think they can carry a show. I really do. I think they can main event a pay-per-view now. It has evolved so much and the talent has become so incredible now."

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