Monday, December 12, 2016

Today's News

Retirement rubbished:

Ariel says she is not retiring at the end of this year, and the post announcing the end of her career was untrue and saddening that some sites reported it without checking it's validity.

Indie great coming back:

Chris Hero is reportedly on his way back to WWE in the new year. His first run ended in 2013 after two fruitless years at NXT level, but, if true, he could be coming back, possibly to the main roster as a cruiser star. He has no bookings at all for 2017 and is on a losing streak on the indie circuit.

It's Cryme fighting Time:

Shad Gaspard took an armed robber out this week. A man entered a shop and demanded Shad buy him a beer. Shad told him that was not how to ask, and the man, who was reported to be drunk, pulled out a gun. Shad grabbed him and slammed him into a cooler before wrestling the gun, which turned out to be a BB gun, from him. He pinned him down there until police arrived.


Cedric Alexander was ''Knocked loopy'' on the NXT live tour this weekend. He managed to finish his match, but the refs threw up the 'X' and medics came out to help him. He was pulled from the rest of the weekend's events, but says he is now ok.

Raw tease:

  • The New Day face tough title defense in Triple Threat Match
  • Iron sharpens iron as Sasha Banks and Charlotte Flair aim to settle the score
  • Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho - "Best friends" no more?
  • The Emmalina makeover is here!
  • Enzo Amore checks in, but he doesn't check out
  • Will Mick Foley give Sami Zayn his match with Braun Strowman?

New job for TNA star:

Andy Douglas is now a chiropractor.

Foley chalks up a century:

Mick Foley has lost a 100lbs in weight this year.

Del Rio fight:

Alberto Del Rio got into a backstage fight with Alan Xtreme in Mexico over the weekend. Apparently Alan had touched Paige and Del Rio took offense. The two men fought out of the locker room and into the arena, in clear sight of many of the fans.

Owens slammed by mum:

Kevin Owens cut a promo on a young boy at a live over the weekend. The boy's mum took offense to the conversation they had, accusing Owens of being overly aggressive in his taunting of the 7 year old, who was wearing a Roman Reigns shirt...

"My heart is shattered. What started off as an amazingly awesome night ended in my 7 year old being completely heartbroken. My son is a huge WWE fan and a fan of just about every wrestler on the roster. He has a drawer full of everyone's shirts but he chose to wear a Roman Reigns shirt since he has been a fan of his ever since he started watching. All night he was getting high fives from other wrestlers and was all smiles but for some reason when Kevin Owens came out he singled out my son and commented on who's shirt he was wearing then told him "you should get this shirt. Actually don't get this shirt I don't want you to ever wear my shirt. Don't you ever try to touch me." All because my 7 year old wanted a high five and wasn't wearing his shirt. My heart sank. He became visibly upset, sat down and kept staring at the gate. I couldn't help it I started crying. He loves wrestling. He has a drawer full of just about everyone's shirts, over 100 figures, so many accessories and just loves watching and going to events. The worst part is he was going to be getting a Kevin Owens shirt and hat for Christmas but now he doesn't want anything to do with him. Kevin Owens was actually one of my sons favorites but now he says "he's not even on the list of who I like." This was finally an event that my whole family was able to attend: myself, my son, my mother who has been suffering from leukemia, and my father and we were all having a great time until that happened. For a show that is supposed to be family friendly Kevin Owens really crushed a huge fans spirits last night. My son is 7 not 15 or 16 where they can take someone they idolize talking to them like that but 7. We have been to many events: TLC, Smackdown, Hell in a Cell, NXT, and the draft. He doesn't want to go anymore. He had previously asked me if the wrestlers who appear mean would ever do or say something to a kid and I said absolutely not they know better. Kevin Owens made me a liar and just showed everyone last night how much of a jerk he really is. To top all of this off after Kevin Owens lost to Roman Reigns and he was walking away from the ring my son was just standing there on his seat watching and Kevin Owens jumped towards him and yelled at him "I am your father" which made no sense but with the sudden movement and loudness made all of us jump and my son almost fell of his seat. My son is crushed and whenever he talks about it he tears up. I can't believe a wrestler would actually treat a 7 year old fan this way. Shame on you Kevin Owens and WWE."

Owens responded with...

"A wrestler told my son not to not to touch him. I'm completely heartbroken...Well, not really but if I complain maybe I'll get free stuff!"

Facebook deletes Ellsworth:

James Ellsworth says Facebook have deleted his account because they do not believe he is actually him.


Triple H has confirmed an NXT special for the night before WrestleMania.

Tigre Uno:

Tigre Uno has left TNA.


A triple threat match for the Cruiserweight Championship has been added to the next Raw special. The three people to have held the belt, TJ Perkins, Brian Kendrick and current champion Rich Swann will fight it out.

ROH resignation:

Nigel McGuiness has quit as ROH matchmaker.

Evan comes home:

Evan Bourne is back in the USA. He says he has left NJPW and won't be going back, and discussed his difficult few months in Japan...

"It's all finished. I received probation, which applies only if I'm in Japan. So no actual punishment. I was just held until they had the trial. I wasn't ever in jail either, only police detention centers and the Osaka immigration detention center."

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