Monday, December 19, 2016

Today's News


WWE held their last PPV of 2016 last night...


  1. Rusev bt Big Cass (Pre).
  2. Cesaro & Sheamus bt New Day to win the Tag titles.
  3. Sami Zayn bt Braun Strowman.
  4. Seth Rollins bt Chris Jericho.
  5. Rich Swann bt The Brian Kendrick and TJ Perkins.
  6. Charlotte bt Sasha Banks 3-2 to once again become Women's champion.
  7. Kevin Owens bt Roman Reigns.


  • The 483 day record Tag title reign of New Day ended last night.


Neville returned to TV last night, turned heel, and announced he will be joining the cruiserweight division.

Young Bucks reveal WWE request:

Matt Jackson says AJ Styles asked him and his brother to go with him to WWE, but they had signed deals just weeks before...

"When A.J. was about to leave, he pulled us aside before anybody knew anything and he asked us about our contracts. At that point, it was December and we had just signed—we signed in November. He's like, 'You did? Ughhh.' The idea was he was going to try and get us to walk out with him and be the guys with him... If we never signed, there's a great chance we could have been walking out on Raw with those guys, I feel."

Zack Ryder:

Zack Ryder says he will be benched for 4-9 months with his knee injury.

Foley unhappy:

Mick Foley had to cancel his surgery after WWE called him in to work Roadblock last night. He was in tremendous pain, as travelling is taking it's toll on his damaged body. He needs hip replacement surgery and will have the op as soon as he possibly can.

CJ returns:

CJ Parker has ended his retirement. He will face Cody Rhodes in Japan in the new year. He had announced he was hanging them up after walking away from WWE.

Alum not happy:

X-Pac appeared on a podcast this week to blast the cruiserweight division. He does not like it's time slot, the change of ring ropes, the empty arena's and more. He said WWE are treating them like an afterthought and sideshow attraction, going so far as to compare them to the failed midget division.

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