Friday, December 2, 2016

Today's News

Alum open to return:

Matt Hardy says he wants to help delete the damage done to TNA by the previous owners, but would then consider a return to WWE...

''I know McMahon, he sees my broken brilliance and he would love to do nothing more than to draw it to his show because he knows, right now, it is currently the hottest entity in the professional wrestling business. But I will say this, if the Impact Wrestling, and the TNA, if they want to retain our services, it will cost these Anthem men, many, many dollars and it is going to cost them a percentage of the company because I have to steer the ship, I have to drive. If they do not meet my demands, then I guess that is a possibility. But I would only go to that McMahon if he knew what the deal was. If he tried to double-cross me in any way, shape, or form, then, I would render his ass obsolete, and then, I would delete him! Yes."


Moose (Grand) and Rosemary (Knockouts) became TNA champions on Impact last night.

WWE losing UK number one spot:

ITV are working on bringing back 'World Of Sport' which would be on terrestrial TV, giving it a much wider potential audience than WWE gets on Sky. WWE will though keep the largest live attendance figures in the country.

This has brought another story to light. WWE have been signing indie stars to contracts, just to keep them from appearing with other promotions. This will include ITV. They have, since the rumours of ITV interest in bringing back the iconic show has reached their ears, amended contracts to indie stars to include bans from appearing on ITV.

Promotions in the UK are advising some of their talent not to sign the WWE deals, as in their opinion WWE do not want the stars, they only want to keep others from having them.

Ryback MMA:

Ryback's talks for an MMA fight have fallen through as he did not like the pay offer.

WWE contradiction:

WWE named Elimination Chamber as a Raw show yesterday, but schedules released today have it as a SmackDown special.


Carmella has a black eye.

McMahon death threat:

Stephanie McMahon has revealed her father was once threatened with death by a rival promoter...

"He was invading their territories, and getting better television coverage. He thought he had the better product, and ultimately, he did, and they didn't take to kindly to that. He told me a great story about a threat from a notorious gangster and being in this room, this old hotel, with the dark wooden panel walls and this big oversized man with a very unattractive face. He was threatening my Dad's life and my Dad was willing to stand up to him and all these different people to make his dreams come true."

Evan Bourne:

Evan Bourne will be given a choice between 18 months in prison or three years of probation when he appears in front of a court next week. If he takes the probation he could be on his way back to America by Tuesday. Either way he will likely be banned from ever returning to Japan, ending his successful career in the country.

Linda's job:

Linda McMahon is expected to be offered the role of small business administrator in Donald Trump's presidential team.

John Cena:

John Cena has once again been nominated for the celebrity good deed giver of the year award.

WWE debut:

Pete Rosenberg will debut with WWE at the next NXT special.

Hall Of Famer dying:

Superfly Jimmy Snuka could not attend a trial hearing today. His mental state is so bad that he could not remember the judge's name, and his wife revealed he is now in a hospice for end of life care because he has six months to live. She also claimed he keeps trying to escape the hospice to get to a WWE show.

The judge has asked for his medical records to be sent to him, where he will decide if the case should be dismissed on the medical grounds.

Cena on TV:

John Cena is going to host 'Saturday Night Live' on December 10.


Indie greats Young Bucks deals are running out, and they are looking at other offers.

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