Thursday, December 22, 2016

Today's News

Hall Of Fame:

Tickets for next years HOF go on sale on January 13.

NXT controversy:

WWE did air the NXT tag match with the horrible botch by Authors Of Pain last night.

NXT title:

Bobby Roode is now officially the number one contender for the NXT title.

Ronda Rousey:

Stephanie McMahon has followed her husband in telling Ronda Rousey the WWE door is open to her, when she is ready...

"Our fans love Ronda. Ronda has this cross platform appeal in terms of all forms of entertainment. We would welcome her with open arms. She is the total package."

WWE spinner title gets new owner:

CM Punk has had the old spinner belt he held for over 400 days in his possession since it was retired. He has it no longer. He gave it to WWE old boy Domino as a Christmas present this week.

Rey Mysterio talks WWE return chances:

"You never say never. but I am very, very comfortable in the position I'm in with Lucha Underground. I love their schedule, I love their style, I love what they have to offer. I don't think there will ever be another company that has what Lucha Underground has. It's very unique, exciting, and fresh—this is really something new."

TNA confirm UK future:

TNA have confirmed they will launch an app for fans in the UK and Ireland to watch their shows, but at a larger price than first proposed. The app will cost £4.99 per month. The app launches on January 5.

Indie great confirms return / blasts internet writers:

Chris Hero is angry that Dave Meltzer broke the story of his WWE return before it was cut and dried. He says he wanted to tell promoters he works for, in person, but was robbed of that, and good friends of his found out he was leaving the scene via the internet. He also says his bookings have dried up because employers thought he was already gone, but he has not received his start date with WWE yet, and can still work the indies. He has now confirmed he will be back with WWE, doing so at a PWG show last night.

BA Billy wants return:

Billy Gunn says he wants to return to his old WWE PC job...

"Of course I would. I loved coaching. That is my thing – I love teaching people that want to learn this business. I would go back in a minute if asked. Coaching was such a different avenue for me, and I didn't think that I had it in me. When Paul hired me, he goes, 'You can't be one the boys, and we've got to trial run to see if you'll be a good coach. Just because you're good in the ring doesn't mean you'll be a good coach.' There are different personalities who you have to coach, and you've got to be able to adjust. For me, a big part of coaching is having a trust for the students that are in your class. If they trust you, and you don't talk beneath them, you can create an even playing field. Yes, what I say goes, but there has to be an open discussion. As long as they trust me, then they're going to listen to me and then they'll learn. If they don't trust me, then what I say goes on deaf ears and they go out there and do whatever. As a coach, I had to have a relationship with every one of my students. I would love to go back."

UFC star talks WWE interest:

Conor McGregor has confirmed WWE have approached him...

"I can go out and conquer the boxing scene as well. That's a very serious thought. That's a very serious conversation that's happening. I've got those wrestling guys trying to contact me as well. I've got Hollywood trying to contact me as well. I've got so many options."

Corgan staying in sport?:

Billy Corgan has held a meeting with ROH.


Ryback, who met the Hardyz for the first time last night (Photo) has claimed Colt Cabana apologised for CM Punk putting him on blast on his podcast...

"Recently, Colt Cabana and myself had a talk, and he was very apologetic, even though he never said anything. But it meant a lot to me because we always got along in the few encounters we had. I will never know why Punk chose to say the things he did, and it definitely didn't help my career at that point. All I know is he was very banged up and miserable during the periods we worked together. I think people have to look at it this way: How many other people are out there saying that about me? I was always respectful of him in his time there, and before our runs together, he was always good to me. Working in the WWE, though, has a way to bring out the worst in everybody. I have made jokes about Punk over the years via social media, as it is fun to get a reaction from his followers from time to time, but if I were to ever see him, I would tell him, "If I really did ever hurt you, I truly am sorry, but I don't think it was the right thing to do to say the things you did." Life is too short to hold grudges, and I truly wish him the best in his life."

HOF feud resolved:

Alundra Blayze says she has harboured bad blood with Mick Foley since he blasted her when she put the WWF Women's title in the bin on WCW TV, but they have recently cleared the air...

"A lot of wrestlers, they were drinking the Kool-Aid and just followed the whole thing, saying I was a piece of crap, 'how could she do that? She ruined women's wrestling. She disrespected us and she's nothing but trash. And she should jump in the trash along with that belt.' And a lot of wrestlers went on WWE and said that and I'll tell you the name. You want a name? I'm going to give you this name. So it just really hurt because this guy and me went way back. And I couldn't believe he was drinking the Kool-Aid. He admitted, he's the one who said it. He's the one that said he drank the Kool-Aid. And he really apologized, 'I'm sorry, Madusa. I was running on everyone's bandwagon saying it was bad when it wasn't.' Mick Foley. Mick Foley was a big man when he came up to me and apologized just recently and it took 20-something years. And I said, 'wow.' And he said, 'I just want to tell you that I've respected you from day one and you're one of the best.' And blah, blah, blah. And just, he goes, 'I'm sorry I drank the Kool-Aid.'"

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