Saturday, December 10, 2016

Today's News

WWE creative change:

WWE have fired one of their top writers. Worryingly for the diva's, it is the man that has wrote the majority of the diva revolution angles of the past couple of years. Tom Casiello was in charge of both Raw and SmackDown's teams.

Orton milestone:

Randy Orton has hit 5 million social media followers.


Jeff Hardy says TNA are not telling the talent everything...

"It's very strange. Billy Corgan from Smashing Pumpkins is a good friend of mine, and he loves pro wrestling. I understood that he was a huge investor, but evidently he's out now however that happened. They still haven't told us everything. There's some new management coming in. They're paying people and taking care of things. I'm not sure what's going to happen or where it's going to go. I'm just going to have faith in the company. Especially if they build the show around myself and Matt. I don't think they can go wrong with that.''

Cross promotion party:

Sheamus and Jinder Mahal attended the wedding of Drew Galloway today.

Bullet Club:

Cody 'The American Nightmare' Rhodes has been officially unveiled as the new member of Bullet Club in Japan.

Stop stealing moves:

Ricochet and Will Ospreay have called out an un-named star for stealing their moves on TV.


Mario Milano died this week. He was 81.

Cena on TV:

John Cena will host SNL tonight.

Zach Gowen talks WWE release:

"So they flew me in, and then I didn't even see Johnny Ace or Vince, I saw Jim Ross. He sat me down for about thirty-forty five minutes, explained why they were letting me go, gave me some advice on to what to do in the future and said the door's always open for a return. Then I got back in the town car, they sent me to the air port and I flew home. So essentially they flew me out to the WWE headquarters to fire me, then they flew me home."

Demolition talks their record:


"Well it is a New Day, I don't know either one of the gentlemen. I understand they are very, very competent young men. They're well accepted by the fans".


"I heard they're pretty good guys, to, ya know?"

TNA drop team:

Former WWE NXT stars Marcus Louis & Sylvester LeFort have been released by TNA.

Double J talks last day in WWE:

He was addressing the long rumoured story about him holding up WWE for money before quitting to go to WCW...

"I knew once I walked out of that building that night, for all my payoffs of the last three or four months, I had zero leverage. And the guy who, Vince may sign off on it, but the guy who comes up with that number was J.R. and J.R. was in a unique situation, so I didn't want to leave anything to chance. I wanted to agree on a number and that's what we did. And I got my money that night and Vince, I can assure you this and Ric can attest to this: if Vince McMahon did not want to pay me, what in the hell was I going to do? He gladly paid me and did not hesitate."

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