Saturday, December 24, 2016

Today's News


The failed WWE spin off XFL franchise will get a Hall Of Fame. New York will host a one day celebration of the WWE American football league to coincide with a TV documentary about it.

Heat on Bucks:

The Young Bucks have been getting heat for a joke at the Undertaker's expense. They asked what the dead man had in common with Santa... they both only work one night a year.

New team:

WWE may finally be doing something with the recently returned Jinder Mahal. They will team him with Rusev on Raw next week to continue a feud with Cass and Enzo.

Booker T talks political career:

"I haven't, you know, declared, affiliated a party or anything like that. It's almost like Coca-Cola, you go in to sit down for dinner and they ask you what you want and you say give me a Coke. It's because, you know, that's what your dad drank, that's what your granddad drank will make a decision before 2019."

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