Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Today's News

Former writer talks going to wrestler's court:

Rock's personal writer Brian Gerwitz says he was punished in 2001 for accepting gifts in return for TV time for Edge & Christian, during his time as head of WWE creative...

"As a kid I loved The Flash. That was my guy. And Edge was doing a signing somewhere and someone gave him a Flash thing. And, at the time, there was a death in his extended family and he had to leave the show, so he's like, 'hey man, I was going to give this to you later, but, hey, somebody gave me this at a signing. It's a Flash figurine thing. Why don't you take it?' And I think Bob Holly oversaw that. It was the day after WrestleMania 17, after Rock left, so my biggest advocate was gone. But it was in Oklahoma City. I was told by Jericho, Edge and Christian, are going to wrestlers' court. I don't remember who told me. I don't know what it was. I expected Vince to be like, 'no, you don't have to go to that!' and he says, 'good luck, pal!.'"

Stephanie McMahon was more helpful, she advised him to take beer and pizza, and he escaped with a demand to write an essay on why he respected the wrestling business.

Injury return:

Neville is almost ready to come back. He is expected back within a month, after missing a couple of months due to breaking his ankle and shin bone before WrestleMania.

TNA Hall Of Fame:

Gail Kim has been named as the 2016, and first female, inductee into the TNA Hall Of Fame.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Aiden English vs Big Cass vs Kofi Kingston vs Luke Gallows.
  • Baron Corbin vs Zack Ryder.
  • Kalisto vs Rusev.
  • AJ Styles vs Xavier Woods.
  • Charlotte vs Natalya.
  • Alberto Del Rio, Chris Jericho & Kevin Owens vs Cesaro, Dean Ambrose & Sami Zayn.

Philanthropic penman:

Zack Ryder is promising a free autograph for anyone that buys his new WWE shirt.

Major issues for TNA:

Problems for Pop TV meant most of TNA's semi live episode last night was not aired. The network blame bad weather in the area of their offices. Pop made it up by replaying the episode in full.

TNA title change SPOILER!!!:

Mike Bennett took the X Division gold from Eddie Edwards last night. The episode will air in July.

TNA sign champion:

Bobby Lashley has agreed to a new contract, just days after re-capturing the TNA title.


Konnor of The Ascension is now free of his wellness ban.

TNA star leaves:

Former soldier Chris Melendez has left TNA after 2 years on the roster.

Triple H:

Triple H is in China hosting a WWE tryout camp.

Al Snow hates fans:

Al Snow says he honestly hates wrestling fans that want TNA to fail...

"They're the goofiest bunch of people I ever met. I genuinely hate them. I really do. I love the fact that they're fans, but I hate them. Opinions is the lowest form of human knowledge, there's no ifs ands or buts about it. You can form an opinion with little or no actual information and then you can go out and spout it off like it's a real fact. But it's nothing more than theory, conjecture and assumption. That's all it is."

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