Sunday, June 26, 2016

Today's News

WWE business:

WWE have expressed an interest in getting into Virtual Reality, and have lodged a $27,000,000 bid for a building in Stamford.

Sandra Toffoloni talks Benoit tragedy:

On Chris' change in personality...

"What really became noticeable was a little bit more of — like a sense of — un-safeness and paranoia for the family. He'd just would like, be constantly checking the alarm at night, constantly be checking things, and for himself. Like when we would go to the gym and do things like that, he would take different ways every time, different routes, The way we would go in the morning is not the way we would go after dinner, and never ever before had that been. He used to be fairly laid back about stuff like that, there was never any issue like that, so when it did start happening I noticed immediately. It was a huge personality change, not crazy-huge where everyone else would notice, but people that was around him a lot would notice. I didn't really understand what was happening and to be frank, I still kind of look back on it…was it a precursor to everything that happened — I don't know."

On why he killed...

"I think that the drugs were a huge contributing factor to what happened. The autopsy said so, I had seen it prior to that — the alcohol and medication, not just the steroids but everything else that had been going on — it was a huge factor. I know that everyone talks about the concussion issue with Christopher, maybe that played a role as well, the autopsy never said he had Alzheimer's, that he couldn't find his way, the things they are saying related to concussions wasn't Chris and wasn't anything I observed ever. That guy could get in and out of an airport in eight minutes flat, and I mean any airport. It wasn't that, it was a combination of a lot of things. A huge boulder of weight from loss and grief, I think it was a ton of medication altering his body chemistry, his brain chemistry, alcohol, everything that was going on at that time. I know there were issues in the house that he was having, again, with himself. Struggling inside with things that are privy to he and I, and my family and my sister, that I wouldn't put on blast for anyone to know. But that coupled with the facts of what I know from being there immediately after that weekend, and seeing everything, it wasn't the act of someone with brain damage. It wasn't, it's impossible for that to have been the case. I understand the necessity to want to put it on something and say, 'this is why he did it, this is the reason right here.' Because the daily pain of not knowing why and not really knowing what happened, is crippling. I can't put it on any one thing; it was a combination of many things, outside factors, and an inner struggle that he had been going through for quite some time after Eddie and everyone else…he almost had this look in his eye — it wasn't more of who's next, it was more of, am I next — in his eyes."

New Day vs Bullet Club:

Bullet Club have finally gotten a match against WWE's New Day. Kenny Omega and Xavier Woods had a video game fighting tournament at a games convention today, Omega won. The two factions have been having a playful social media feud for a few months now.

TNA loss:

Bobby Roode lost his first US WWE match last night. He was pinned during a six man tag match.

Who signed Ibushi?:

Albert has shot down the story of Finn Balor signing Kota Ibushi for the cruiser show. He said Finn made the first move, but Triple H closed the deal personally.

Evan Bourne talks why he does not miss WWE:

"I kind of got sent to WWE because everybody told me that was their dream and it should have been mine too, but I don't think it ever really was. I always saw myself as being a champion in Japan and that's what I'm doing right now. And I'll tell you what, it feels incredible!"

He did though say he would struggle to refuse a return for a match vs Cesaro.

Let's get it on:

Vader vs Will Ospreay will go from the Twittersphere to the ring this summer. Vader has accepted a trip to England to face the Brit in August.


Marauders, which stars the former WWE man, alongside Bruce Willis, is in cinemas from this Friday.

Have a nice gay:

(Worst sub-head I have ever done...???... I think so... sorry!)

Mick Foley visited Orlando to show support for the LGBT community affected by the shooting attack on a club recently.

TNA star in fight:

Hernandez got into a legit fight before a show last night. He and Brent McKenzie had traded jabs on social media, but the indie man offered his hand when they met before the show. Hernandez responded by kicking him in the face. The indie fought back, and dominated the Mexican, before the fight was broken up by others. Again the indie star offered his hand, but again Hernandez responded with violence. He then left the show, refusing to honour his gig.

NXT call ups:

As many as 12 stars may be pulled out of NXT for next months brand split, double the originally planned 6. Some of those names are expected to be Bayley, Carmella, and Nia Jax.

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