Sunday, June 12, 2016

Today's News

WWE mocked:

Rusev and Lana were named worst dressed guests at this weeks Country Music Awards.

Former star shoots on Sheamus:

Eric Escobar was not a fan of the Irishman...

"He always wanted to be the dominant big guy. If I stand next to you, we're basically the same size, so there's no big guy/little guy situation going on here. When he got in the mindset that he was big guy and I was little guy, he got a little bit more hesitant about a few things in the match. Before I started working a program with him, I had a couple of guys approach me [and said] that he was getting a little bit too stiff with them. As a joke,Fandango started calling me Uncle Perez, because he said that I was like the Bull Durham of developmental because I was there so long. Some of the guys would approach me and say, hey, I need your help. I'm like, what's going on? They'd say, can you talk to the office? I'd say, for what? You can talk to the office. You can talk to Dusty [Rhodes] or Tom [Prichard], I don't care. [They'd say], I'm working Sheamus, and he's a bit stiff. He keeps hitting me a little too hard. I'm like, you know, tell him to ease up! Pop him back! He'll understand what's going on! [They'd say], well, I'm fairly new here, and I just don't wanna ruffle any feathers. I'm like, so you want me to ruffle the feathers for you? Is that what it is?. When I got into the program with Sheamus, I do remember one time we were working, and he popped me a couple of times. I always give the guys a 'three strike rule.' So he pops me one, and I go, okay - one. He pops me twice - two. He pops he three times - okay, my turn. So, after I popped him back, I left my hands stamped on his back for like a week. I think after that, we had no more problems. He wasn't stiff or anything."

Sandow returns:

Damien Sandow wrestled his first match since leaving WWE this weekend, he also brought back his stunt double gimmick.

ROH star sick:

Adam Cole is off the road after being taken into hospital with Pneumonia.


Tonight is the biggest night of TNA's year, Slammiversary. The show currently has 5 booked matches, three of them with gold on the line. The show will go ahead despite a major incident in the city of Orlando, which will be hosting the special.

TNA champ Drew Galloway's old band mate (3MB) Jinder Mahal is backstage.

TNA star qualifies:

Former TNA man Tony Nese has earned a spot in the WWE cruiser classic.

Alum at live:

Ted DiBiase Jr was at a WWE show in Florida this weekend.

Wrestling debut:

American politician Mitt Romney appeared in full wrestling attire, and got into the ring, for a charity event this weekend.

Move un-banned:

The Hurricane's vertabreaker finisher has been banned in WWE for 15 years, but both Seth Rollins and AJ Styles used it at an event this weekend.

Wrestling angry at tragedy:

Many members of the wrestling world have taken to social media today to air their views on the horrible shooting incident in Orlando, Florida overnight. 50 people were killed at a club when a man who claimed links to terror group ISIS burst in and started spraying bullets. He was eventually killed too, but not before a three hour stand off with police.

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