Saturday, June 25, 2016

Today's News

Roddy Strong:

Roderick Strong lost his last ROH match last night. Mark Briscoe beat him in a competitive bout, which ended in an embrace and a ''Thank you Roddy'' chant from fans. He leaves after 13 years with the group.

Kelly Kelly talks her era vs now:

Kelly Kelly says WWE's current women's division is lacking, compared to her era...

"They're putting a lot more focus on the women too, but I feel like they're shying away from the era of what I was, of the models. I don't really feel like there's a fan favorite girl right now. And I don't feel like there really has been... sorry I probably am speaking out of turn... but like AJ was a fav, and you know what I mean, now, right now, I don't feel like there's somebody that the crowd can get behind."

Will Ospreay talks Vader feud:

On the match that caused the issue...

"I generally had no idea it was going to happen because we'd done, I'm not going to say a similar style match, but we'd done some of the stuff we did over in Evolve. And it was just one of those matches where, like, once again, me and Ricochet have been working each other, like, five times now. We know each other's style, We know each other's s--t, so yeah, we just went out there, and as soon as we had done the double handspring backflip, man, we just knew the crowd came on fire. It was like, 'alright, we've got something here'. But for some strange reason, the internet has just gone nuts over this one particular match."

He then addressed Vader's issues, and criticised him for slating a match he admits not actually watching, before adding...

"It's just some people had different perceptions about what wrestling is. The only thing I can relate it to is like I'm a Christian. I believe that there is a God. I believe there is a heaven and hell. And you guys are Buddhist, and you believe in your God. Just because I believe in my thing and you believe in your thing, it doesn't mean you're wrong and I'm right. It's like different styles of music. It's different styles of wrestling."

WWE games:

2K say the cover for this years WWE game will be unveiled on Monday.

Dean Ambrose:

Tonight WWE champion Dean Ambrose will have his first title defense of his first reign.

Kidd landmark:

Tyson Kidd is marking one year since his neck surgery today.

Cody proud:

Cody Rhodes says is very happy with the return of Clash Of The Champions, and hopes more of his fathers WCW creations, including WarGames makes it back onto the WWE schedule too.

Wyatt pulled:

Bray Wyatt has been pulled from the Japan tour.


Goldberg will star in, and produce, 'Bauer' a new action movie.

Roode debut:

Bobby Roode will wrestle his first WWE match in America tonight, for NXT.

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