Monday, June 6, 2016

Today's News

Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan entered a weight lifting contest over the weekend, and won a sword.

WWE vs Bret Hart:

Seth Rollins has attacked Bret Hart. He says he was hurt and upset by Bret's public criticism of him after the injury to John Cena's face last summer. Bret had called him unprofessional and reckless for breaking Cena's nose with a high knee during a Raw match. He also intimated that Seth was at fault in his own knee injury, that cost him his title reign.

Seth admitted how upset he was to hear Bret's negative view of him, and spat the same words (unprofessional and reckless) back at him, saying his comments hurt more because Bret should understand how hard it is to make it to the top of WWE at their size...

"Bret Hart had some comments about me and how safe I am in the ring because of John's nose, and then, me getting hurt while I was the champion and just said that you couldn't do that because people relied on you as a top guy. And that hurt my feelings. And I haven't seen Bret since then, but, I mean, I know he comes from a different era when he worked through a lot of stuff, but, man, that sucked. That hurt my feelings. I'm like, 'dude, I idolized you. You were one of the guys who, at 6'1 230, you were a guy who I was like, 'I can do that because Bret Hart does it'', so, like, for him to say that. He has got to know how hard I'm working every night for him to kind of say that in an interview."

He also said John Cena should take a share of the blame for the injury...

"Look, John will be the first guy to admit that he's a clumsy fella. He's not a graceful individual. And he kind of, when he's not sure about stuff, for his own protection, a lot of times, he'll put his body into whatever you're doing. Like, if you're throwing punches at him or forearms, he leans a little bit. And it was just one of those things where we talked about it. It was the first time I tried it, but it wasn't something we went over. And for whatever reason the timing of it, we'll call it 'perfect' or 'imperfect'. Whatever you want, but, man. And I wear kneepads too, pretty thick kneepads."

He was talking to Chris Jericho, who took Seth's side in the spat, referring to the kick that ended Hart's career, saying no-one told Bret he should not have gotten that concussion.


CM Punk's debut is now scheduled (As a target date) for August's UFC show, which will disappoint the former WWE champ, as he set his heart on this months UFC 200.

Brock Lesnar will fight Mark Hunt. He says he had to come back one more time, as he feels his last fight, in 2011, was lost because of illness, and he had to prove that to himself, and his critics. He also admitted regretting not returning to UFC a couple of years ago, when his WWE deal was coming to an end.

There is also speculation that WWE will bring some UFC stars to SummerSlam. It is rumoured that they hope to have a WWE vs UFC women angle, or match, at the show. One of the UFC ladies they are interested in is Paige Van Zant, who recently placed second in a dancing contest in the US. Talks have reportedly begun between WWE and her manager.

Adam Rose:

Adam Rose is dead, so says the man that portrayed the role. Ray Leppan says he will, from now, be known as Aldo Rose, as he looks forward to working the indie scene in America for the first time.

Wrestling praised by mainstream media:

The New York Times has shared their view that wrestling has now gained acceptance...

''With each passing year, more and more facets of popular culture become something like wrestling: a stage-managed "reality" in which scripted stories bleed freely into real events, with the blurry line between truth and untruth seeming to heighten, not lessen, the audience's addiction to the melodrama. The modern media landscape is littered with "reality" shows that audiences happily accept aren't actually real; that, in essence, is wrestling. ("WWE Raw" leads to "The Real World," which leads to "Keeping Up With the Kardashians," and so forth.) The way BeyoncĂ© teased at marital problems in "Lemonade" — writing lyrics people were happy to interpret as literal accusations of her famous husband's unfaithfulness — is wrestling. The question of whether Steve Harvey meant to announce the wrong Miss Universe winner is wrestling. Did Miley Cyrus and Nicki Minaj authentically snap at each other at last year's MTV Video Music Awards? The surrounding confusion was straight out of a wrestling playbook.''

Also Yahoo have discussed the influence wrestling had on the career of the late Muhammad Ali.


Triple H has confirmed NXT Brooklyn is on. It will be August 20, the night before SummerSlam.

Elias Samson has broken his ankle.

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