Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Today's News

WWE returns:

Forbes claim to have gotten hold of the list of stars WWE are contacting about a return to their roster. Rey Mysterio, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, John Morrison, JTG, Goldberg, and Shad Gaspard, join MVP, Carlito, Stevie Richards and an un-released fourth name (Possibly one of the new ones?) who has already said no about coming back.

A couple of issues with this list, Jeff Hardy is signed to TNA, so will be unlikely to get free in time for the brand split, and JTG has denied he has been approached about a return. Kurt Angle too denies an approach, but has today said he will be coming back to WWE, after having talks with both Triple H and Vince McMahon in the past 6 weeks. He says it will probably be a one off match, and will then get into management, naming American Alpha of NXT as a team he would like to work with.


The Wyatt's and Johnny Ace returned on Raw last night. Johnny wanted to get one of the GM roles when the brand split happens, Shane told him he need not apply.


Konnor is back on the road after a 60 day ban.

TNA sign TE star:

Chelsea of Tough Enough, better known as Daniel Bryan's dirty doctor, has signed a TNA deal.

UFC sold:

CM Punk and Brock Lesnar will likely be following the story of the change of ownership of UFC. A deal was reportedly finalised last night for $4.2 billion. UFC have though denied the sale today.


AJ Styles talked about TNA and Dixie Carter during a WWE Network interview with Steve Austin last night. He talked about how he was signed, his 11 years with the group, and why he chose to leave, bringing up the pay issues TNA were having at the time.


Paige really was arrested on Sunday night, but no charges were filed. WWE are investigating the strange incident, but are allowing her to stay on the road until the facts are determined. She was put into an ambulance, after the arrest, and taken to a hospital, where she was released. Not much is known about the circumstances of the arrest, but she was intercepted by police, who were dealing with another incident close by, when she came running from the Money In The Bank PPV venue and started shouting in the streets. Passers by flagged the police down and informed them of Paige's odd behaviour, and they went to deal with her. 

Cody adds name:

Cody Rhodes has added the name of Steve Corino to his list of dream indie matches.


It was always going to happen eventually. The three members of the former group known as The Shield will compete in a triple threat for the WWE title in the main event of BattleGround next month.

To promote the match Dean Ambrose says he had every intention of cashing in his case right away, even if his buddy Roman Reigns won the match at MITB. He told a radio host that he would have ''Whacked Roman right in the back of his head with it (The case).''

Note... This was before the news about Roman broke (See further down).

Steve Austin reveals why he hated MSG match:

He was recalling his Highway To Hell SummerSlam 1998 main event title defense vs The Undertaker...

"We were out there trying to work our ass off, and prior to that match, I'm not the toughest guy in the world, but I've never been knocked out in my life. And part of the match, I hit the ropes, Undertaker goes for a backdrop, I kick him in his chest, he's going to straighten up and no-sell it, and when he does, the back of his big ass head hits me right under the chin. And, boom! Knockout blow. He flashed me. I went down on the mat. I was knocked out. I was only knocked out maybe two, three seconds. All of a sudden, I'm laying on the mat on my back in Madison Square Garden. Don't know where I am. The referee of that match was Earl Hebner. Earl Hebner looks down at me. He kind of has this little grin on his face. He goes, 'God dang, boy! Are you alright?' I looked up at Earl. I said, 'where am I?' He goes, 'God damn it, boy! You're in the Garden!', so I get up and we continue the match. And one of my biggest disappointments in that match was that we were on our way to a hell of a match and I got knocked out. From that point on, I don't remember the rest of that match! I remember laying on the table. I remember Taker getting on the top turnbuckle and dropping that leg. And I'm thinking, 'we kind of talked about it. I don't know if he's going to do it or not, but I was going to stay there anyway because that's what you do'. But all of a sudden, that's one of the things I do remember about that match was Undertaker taking a courageous bump there and dropping that leg off that top turnbuckle. I'm like, 'alright, this is going to be interesting'. He lands. Everything crashes. We finish the match."

WWE at Cannes:

Stephanie McMahon will speak about WWE's 50 year enduring legacy at the Cannes festival this week. She is in France now, and John Cena will join her on Thursday.

Rougeau getting trial:

23 year old Cedric (Son of Jacques ''The Mountie'') Rougeau will have a WWE trial in September at the PC.

Heel switch:

Original plans had Becky Lynch turning heel on Nattie Neidhart at MITB over the weekend, plans were changed on the night, no word on why.

Diva leaving:

Natalya may be on her way out of WWE. Nothing is certain, but officials are said to be under the impression that she will not sign a new deal when her current one expires, due to the health issues her husband Tyson Kidd is dealing with over his neck injury. This news unfortunately comes on the day Trish Stratus said she would come out of retirement to have a match against the Canadian - American.

John Cena:

John Cena will host the Teen Choice awards on Fox in July.

Roman Reigns:

Roman Reigns has failed a wellness test and has been banned for 30 days. He says he knew what he was doing, and apologised to his fans and family for his error.

Despite the ban the BattleGround match noted above may still happen, as he would be free of the suspension three days before the bout, but he of course will not now be around for the build up angles, so may be pulled.

The fail happened a number of days ago, and is likely the reason he lost the WWE title on Sunday. WWE delayed the ban to allow the title switch to happen, and to set up the next PPV main event.

Top exec quits:

WWE's international chief Gerrit Meier has left his role.

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