Friday, June 17, 2016

Today's News

You're too fat:

Cedric Alexander says WWE told him he had to lose weight, before they offered him a spot on their Network cruiserweight show. He says he managed to lose 25lbs in time for the show, going from 230 to 205.


Joey Ryan pinned Rey Mysterio while he was sleeping, to take an indie title, which is defended via the 24/7 rule.

WWE star to Hall Of Fame:

Seth Rollins and Marek Brave, with whom he set up a wrestling school, are the first inductees into the Scott County HOF. Marek will accept the honours for himself, and his friend.


Gypsy Joe has died aged 82. He wrestled for 50 years, before finally giving up aged 76 in 2011. He billed himself as the oldest active pro wrestler in his later years.

Hall Of Famer arrested:

The King Jerry Lawler was arrested today, and has been suspended indefinitely for a domestic violence incident with his fiance. Some pretty nasty accusations were made, she claimed he hit her about the head, barged her into the stove, then presented a gun and told her to kill herself. He claims she kicked him in the groin, scratched his face, threw a candle at him, and threatened to kill herself with the gun.

He later said, from a jail cell, that he had come home from a show to find her drunk, the latest, he claims, in a growing line of drunken incidents, and suicidal. He decided he had had enough and was going to leave, after taking away the gun, to stop her hurting herself. His attempt to do so, led to a violent outburst from her, but denied committing any violent act himself. He did admit to handling a gun, but only because he had taken it from her, and set it down on the kitchen counter top.

WWE have zero tolerance for domestic incidents, and as with Adam Rose, banned him for the breach of their morals clause.

Both parties were released by police this afternoon.

LU want WWE stars:

A Lucha Underground exec says he would love to see some of the recent WWE cuts make their LU debuts...

"Absolutely! I mean, there's no question that there would be talents that would be interested. A lot of great talents got released, so, yeah, without a doubt, if something like that opens up or a spot that we think that somebody would fit well in, that would definitely be a possibility. Obviously, you would have to come to an agreement with that talent and who knows if that talent even wants to come to Lucha Underground, so, yeah, absolutely."

Talk to Flair:

Ric Flair is offering five minute personal phone calls for $495.

Daniel Bryan coaching WWE star:

Daniel Bryan is working with his sister-in-law Nikki Bella, to help her come up with a new finisher.

Sheamus on tour:

Sheamus is now in Australia, as his media tour for TMNT continues.

Cena warns roster:

John Cena says he will not be stepping aside for a long time, and anyone that wants his spot would have to step over him.


Brock Lesnar will be allowed to use his WWE music for his UFC fight.

Tajiri does not want WWE return:

Tajiri says he has no ambition to return to the main roster for WWE, despite his impending return for the cruiser show. He also revealed an odd phobia...

"William (Regal) said that spam is food for poor people, so he'd point and me and say "so you like it!" He gave me a spam T-Shirt and told me to wear it in a match. Or when he was at the supermarket, he would take pictures of SPAM and send them to me. He still did this even after I returned to Japan."

Adam Rose making money from arrest:

Adam Rose is selling a t-shirt with his police mugshot from his domestic violence arrest on the front.

Twitter spat:

Vader doesn't know about social media it seems. Since airing a negative view of an NJPW match he has been getting heat on Twitter, and has had enough. He went on a long rant blasting, insulting and threatening one of those he criticised, Will Ospreay. He told him he needed spanking, called him a little bitch, and demanded a shoot fight, because Will kept spamming him with negative tweets, problem being he wasn't. Fans were tweeting Vader, and tagging Will about the NJPW match, it was not Will himself that was making the tweets. Will, who is in the UK, did not join in the Twitstorm for quite a while before telling Vader he did not know what the rant was about, and that he should do something about his anger issues. This led to Vader kicking off again, accusing him of stealing his move, to which Will said he was doing the Swagger bomb. Vader said that was his move, and Will was no Jack Swagger, and never would be. It went on and on, until Will decided he had to end his side of the spat to catch a plane, Vader then called him a chicken shit for backing out of a shoot fight he didn't actually agree too.


WWE have listed their first potential DVD sets for 2017...

  • Stephanie McMahon
  • Hardy Boyz (Match Compilation)
  • The Kevin Owens Experience
  • Best of 1997: 20th Anniversary
  • Shane McMahon Biography
  • Roman Reigns
  • Cruiserweight Championship: 20 Years Later
  • The Rise of NXT / OVW
  • Masters of the Mic
  • Goldberg


Despite their financial problems new TNA minority owner Billy Corgan has helped to secure some new deals today, including veterans Al Snow and Abyss.

New stars:

Aliyah, Andrade Cien Almas, and Liv Morgan have been added to the WWE NXT roster.

Wrestling campaign:

A campaign has been set up to raise funds for the victims, and their families, of the terror attack in Orlando, Florida last week.

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