Saturday, October 18, 2014

Today's News

WWE Network:

WWE have defended putting adverts on the Network, they say they took the move to avoid having to raise the subscription price.

Faarooq talks breaking barriers:

"That feeling on that night was so special and the way the fans celebrated with me is something that I will always remember. Being able to share that historic moment with the fans that supported me through everything meant more than you'll ever know."

Chris Jericho talks rocky relationship with Vince:

"Yes, there is a lot of confrontations with Vince, but that's because there's a mutual respect. And some of them get out of control… It's only because both of us respect each other, trust each other, and believe each other. It doesn't mean I'm always going to like the things he does or the things he wants to do. And it doesn't mean that he's going to like the things that I do and the way that I act and react to things either."

Jericho also revealed a fight between the owner and Kofi Kingston on a plane, McMahon had made a disparaging jibe at Kofi, which Kofi was visibly upset about, but took no action, until that is Y2J told him to stand up for himself. Kofi did challenge Vince, and Vince started the brawl by taking him to the floor with a leg takedown, they then scuffled for a while, before Vince stood up, and laughed the incident off.

New NXT star:

Carmella has been given her official WWE profile.

WWE lie to fans:

WWE announced to fans in Mexico that the original Sin Cara would be working the current Mexico tour, that is not that case, Hunico is under the mask. This is probably a dig at their former star.

Seth Rollins confesses to WWE resentment toward The Rock:

"Uhhhh...I mean there's a little bit of resentment there there's gotta be, but it's mostly envy because we all want to have the level of success that he has. We want to have the ability to walk into a room and um, ya know be as well received as he was. Although, he did take the cheap route I think by um just talking about all the boroughs and wearing his little Brooklyn jacket. But that's The Rock, that's how he does his thing."

The Boogeyman:

The Boogeyman is at WWE HQ today, possibly to do something for Halloween.

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